• The Japanese government alarmed neighboring countries in April last year when it approved the discharge of 10, 000 tons of low-level radioactive water from the plant as Tepco ran out of space to store the water used to cool reactors.

    WSJ: New Leak at Japan Reactor Threatens Ocean

  • "Whether it is a high water level or low, the Merced River flows year round and the current can pull anybody in, " said Gediman.


  • With the water level critically low, it is difficult to see how the turbinated flow of the dam is reaching the high levels that the state agency is claiming.

    FORBES: Venezuela: Recent Rain And Claims of Cloud Seeding

  • The Japanese themselves have indicated that the level of water in that pond is low and is of concern.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Meanwhile, the water level in Lake Lanier remains close to the record low reached in December.

    ECONOMIST: Georgia opens a northern front in its battle with drought

  • Meanwhile, engineers are continuing to pump some 11, 500 tonnes of low-level radioactive seawater into the sea so the more highly contaminated water from reactor No 2 can be stored in waste buildings.

    BBC: Japan quake: Nitrogen pumped into nuclear reactor

  • Tokyo Electric is now grappling with where to put the stuff, even dumping thousands of tons of less-radioactive water into the Pacific to make room for it in a reservoir for low-level waste.


  • This low-rise hotel under the Harbour Bridge takes a different approach to the Opera House: water level and straight ahead, giving the view added drama.

    FORBES: Travel

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