Her partial prosthesis had worn through the bone on the lower surface of her knee.
Water coming up from below will often have a lower pH than the surface water, because at depth there is no photosynthesis but plenty of respiration.
Even a relatively small amount of gas a can cause big problems because a gas bubble will expand massively as it moves from high pressure at the seafloor to lower pressure at the surface.
The CPR numbers give a hint as to whether a ball will bounce higher or lower on a specific surface, and how much friction there is to either slow the ball or allow it to skid on.
That would leave a small, mobile craft that could maneuver on thrusters alone, hover near the surface, and lower the rover down.
The bulls are also wondering when stronger bargain-hunting and safe-haven demand will surface at the lower price levels, to revive gold and keep the longer-term price uptrend on the longer-term charts in place.
The publication was commissoned in conjunction with Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (ICACGP), The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR).
Pipes have now been put in place in Lake Nyos and nearby Lake Monoun to siphon water from the lower layers up to the surface and allow the CO2 at the bottom of the lake to slowly bubble out, preventing a repeat of 1986 tragedy.
You drill two horizontal wells and inject steam into the upper one, draw bitumen by gravity into the lower well and bring it to the surface.
SMART-1, which has been orbiting lower and lower around the moon, will soon crash onto the surface of the heavenly body.
Projected operating costs are expected to be lower than other mines because metals are closer to the surface, Begic said, with platinum assets about 80 meters below the surface.
FORBES: Platinum Group Metals Targets 2013 For South African Mine Start
As I pointed out in this post, the available Surface Pro storage space to users is significantly lower than advertised, but this is by no means a new issue.
FORBES: Microsoft Tackles Various Surface Pro Concerns, Hints At Battery-Equipped Cover
These short-term global fluctuations are associated principally with natural oscillations of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures summarized in the Nino index in the lower part of the figure. 2012 is nominally the 9th warmest year, but it is indistinguishable in rank with several other years, as shown by the error estimate for comparing nearby years.
FORBES: Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
In terms of containment right now, the top cap is drawing oil and gas to the surface to -- from the LMR -- the lower marine riser cap to the Enterprise.
WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden on Congressman Barton��s Apology to BP
Too many people have made too much money, in bonds as well as in stocks, since 1994 to change their lifestyles radically just because their net worths shrivel a bit. (However, the wealth effect on consumer spending could surface if the market drops 20% or more.) Lower interest rates will help sustain consumer spending.
One thing's clear, however: The artist purposely chose to position each image above a protruding ridgeline that runs along the cave wall, symbolizing either the surface of the water or tall grass that's obscuring the lower half of the deer.
WSJ: Prehistoric but Far From Primitive | Cave Paintings of Lascaux | Field Museum | By Mark Yost
He wants turbine manufacturers to produce lower turbines, to take advantage of winds blowing strongly and steadily close to the surface of the sea.
Geothermal systems gather energy present beneath the earth's surface, where the temperature averages 55 degrees (higher in Texas, lower in North Dakota), and concentrate it to provide space heating.
Though the Surface aims to compete with the larger-size iPad, many competitors have been releasing smaller devices at lower price points in attempts to undercut Apple's momentum.