Its most lucrative business is still government contracts, which generate 77% of its revenue, a risky proposition.
Cummings would also be able to sell Bats' market data, an extremely lucrative business.
But the list also includes two very popular individual provisions and two lucrative business breaks.
It has also made sport a much more lucrative business and a far better-paid occupation.
Delta is also investing in other airports around New York, a key market for lucrative business travel.
He points to Skype's free Internet calling, with its threat to the phone companies' most lucrative business.
Hurwitz says his legal crusades erased many lucrative business opportunities over the years, though he won't name them.
Coups can be a lucrative business, and although its main export is cashew nuts, Guinea-Bissau offers tempting opportunities.
At the same time, the driverless car will create enormously lucrative business opportunities to serve new customer needs.
FORBES: Google's Trillion-Dollar Driverless Car -- Part 2: The Ripple Effects
Considering Saudi Arabia's historic and lucrative business links with America, this represented a significant motion of no confidence.
Even if it does acquire MCI's lucrative business, it's still a tough road.
Sometimes it makes sense for a company to shed its most lucrative business.
To some, it seemed like PartyGaming had simply given a lucrative business away.
The trial comes at a pivotal moment in the smartphone market, with Samsung extending its lead in the lucrative business.
However, as long as everyone wants to believe it can be done, selling the dream will be a lucrative business.
FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)
Regulatory changes in how banks can charge account and card fees have put a crimp on that lucrative business as well.
FORBES: Despite Rebound from '09 Losses, Bank Profits Still Hampered by Crisis
Secondary education promises an even more lucrative business model, especially if more state governments follow in the shoes of Scott Walker.
FORBES: The Next Step in Scott Walker��s Corporate Education Reform Agenda: Diploma Mills
Voice calling was a lucrative business for wireless companies for years, but voice traffic has declined as data consumption has grown.
WSJ: U.S. Wireless Carriers Move to New Technology��For Voice
Those who succeed typically move over to the more lucrative business of selling homes once they've built up enough experience and clientele.
One can expect governments to throw up legal roadblocks to prevent such competition from cutting into the lucrative business of printing money.
He also went into the unromantic but lucrative business of settling trades.
That is, until Conner dangles some lucrative business in front of him.
Domestic and foreign investors are pouring money into the country's stockmarket, and bankers and accountants are falling over themselves to pick up lucrative business.
Pharmaceutical companies often argue that non-pharmaceutical businesses drag on earnings growth and distract the company from the incredibly lucrative business of developing new drugs.
Auditors send professionalism packing and abdicate their public duty to shareholders when legislation threatens the lucrative business of being a public accounting firm.
The agency does not tell management whether it should leverage its balance sheet to pursue potentially lucrative business opportunities and boost returns to shareholders.
Wal-Mart and Dotcom Distribution prove that fulfillment can be a lucrative business, whether as part of a corporate strategy or as a stand-alone business.
FORBES: Amazon Hits $200 If Free Cash Flow Creeps Up To 10% Of Revenue
Kidnapping has become a lucrative business in parts of West Africa.
For Carlson it's about proving it can handle a major event on Chinese soil, which will help it win the more lucrative business of product launches and marketing campaigns.
This strikes me as a potentially very lucrative business, made all the more so by the fact that Emergency Managers will be exempt from any lawsuits brought against them.