But their actions have been described as "lunatic" and "offensive" by veteran Conservative MP Nicholas Soames.
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He was considered a "lunatic" by fellow townspeople and was known as a loner.
Hasan was radicalized, and the military culture in which his lunatic views went unchallenged.
He punished political rivals by publishing the names of their relatives in lunatic asylums.
There were other lunatic moments in Mr Plimpton's experiences in what he called participation.
Harshly criticizing the lunatic fringe while saying others would have better sense than the worst of them?
Perhaps I should add this experiment to things that are lunatic enough to work as a Kickstarter project.
"I'm not a lunatic, trust me, " said Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik, the father of three school-age children, in December.
" The general feeling was that I was a harmless lunatic, " says Keith.
She witnesses the internal anguish of her two patients worked itself out in the lunatic setting of the occupied city.
This is, quite sadly, simply evidence of the quite lunatic idea that we should be putting food into cars rather than people.
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Rising to Thackeray's bait, some of his counterparts on the lunatic fringe of Pakistani politics have issued similar threats against Indian players.
In 1840 people who advocated the immediate abolition of slavery and full equal rights for Americans of African descent were the lunatic fringe.
FORBES: Nude Dancing As An Art Form? Not Funny When You Think About It
While I'm sure some of that is true you might be able to hear a lunatic bearing down on you, screaming "ON YOUR RIGHT!"
And somewhere far away from here, intermingled with this racket, is the whistle of the Lunatic Express, rattling on regardless into the night.
The sharply divided US Congress has been able to agree on one thing at least - that the word "lunatic" should be banned.
The manager accused his protege of betraying the band's credo - saying he had behaved "like a constructive sissy rather than a destructive lunatic".
Meantime, the lunatic fringe is promising to make its presence felt and representatives of various groups seem reluctant to condemn violence when interviewed on TV.
He had it easy: His mission was always pretty clear: Save the earth from a space-station-based lunatic bent on replacing humanity with supermodels, and so on.
And when as his opponents hope he is banned, Welfare's successor will therefore fragment, and all but a lunatic fringe will drift off towards other, more palatable, parties.
There is something lunatic about saying that if we devalue and degrade our arsenal, nukes will then have less value for the North Koreas of the world.
The treaty, forced on the Germans, triggered a nationalist firestorm that enabled a lunatic like Adolf Hitler to attract thousands of followers by promoting hatred and violence.
And although I hate to turn them into the kind of lunatic that I am, I still need to encourage them to get educated in software and technology.
If the problem had been that insured deposits were paying for lunatic capital markets bets which went wrong then OK, ring fencing, separation, might be a good idea.
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Factor in, too, that he had always been the most beautiful of boys her total consentido and you begin to get a sense of how she felt about the lunatic.
It seems a safe bet that you, like most Americans, would think it a lunatic idea, one that could clear the way for still more terror in this country.
Clare, who was born in 1793 and died in 1864 in Northampton General Lunatic Asylum, is buried in St Botolph's churchyard, Helpston, Cambridgeshire, where there is a memorial to him.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Award for peasant poet biographer
"Not only should we not eliminate the word 'lunatic' from federal law when the most pressing issue of the day is saving our country from bankruptcy, " said Rep Gohmert in a statement.
The longer there is no solution, the greater the risk that the lunatic fringe, abetted by the likes of Iran's president, may one day manage to drop a bomb on the Jewish state.
To get as lunatic fringe on the other side you had to be one of the very small group who believed that the trans-Atlantic slave trade should be revived in the interests of humanity.
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