Without thinking, a flash of cunning in his eyes, Nawab lunged for the gun, but missed.
The tiger then lunged at Horn, who tried to beat the animal away with the microphone.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Magic show in doubt after mauling
Johnson ducked and lunged at Corkins before he could fire a shot, according to prosecutors.
Police said Todd Bairstow was fishing at the creek at Weipa, northern Queensland, when the reptile lunged.
When a third lunged at him, he gave up his pursuit and trudged home to start canceling his credit cards.
The door lunged open against him when he unlocked it, banging Jimbo on the head so that he started crying, howling.
Three law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said initially that Todashev had lunged at the FBI agent with a knife.
Ray lunged at his handlers when he first came to Best Friends.
Schuringa said he jumped over the passenger next to him, reached across the aisle and lunged for the suspect, now identified as AbdulMutallab.
Defense attorneys argued Rodriguez was defending himself when one of the men lunged at him and he had less than a second to respond.
Marshall got down to beat the ball away but, with the home defence slow to react, Sutton lunged in to shoot home from eight yards.
He spoke to Ms. Sarkar and lunged at her, but then disappeared into the crowd, Mr. Biswas alleges, leaving the others to take the blame.
Mr Giuliano confronted a person wearing a black balaclava and black clothing, and fired his gun when the person lunged at him with "a shiny weapon".
Instead of striding toward the loose puck, Gaborik lunged toward it and swiped at it with his stick as Carter sent it across the ice to the opposite wall.
The second baseman and Yankees star made a pretty stop on Roger Bernadina's sharp grounder in the sixth in which he lunged left then spun and threw to first.
Feeling faintly sick, I joined in as we stretched, bent, lunged and jogged on the spot, wondering why it was that I seemed to be the only one worn out by the warmup alone.
Conroy appeared to have got that call right despite the resulting anger from the home support, but he was too lenient 11 minutes later when only producing a yellow card after Lafferty lunged dangerously, studs-first into Hinkel's shin.
Swinging arms aside, there was little of note to get the 28, 643 spectators excited about in a slow-paced first half until Irish lock and match-day captain Paul O'Connell lunged over the line for the first try of the Lions tour.