Some diplomats luridly imagine, say, Yasser Arafat being sued on a visit to the White House.
It's commanding as comic-book art in motion, convincing as the luridly mythic -- and therefore authentically adolescent -- expression of buried emotions.
WSJ: The 'Bourne' Identity Crisis
Girls can also build collections of truly fantastic friends (such as Strawberry Shortcake and her pals) and comb the impossibly long manes of luridly coloured ponies.
Two establishments stood nearby: a redbrick pub with pretty clumps of lavender growing in the window pots and, on the other side of the green, a luridly painted fish-and-chip van.
NEWYORKER: Hanwell Senior
Jane long outlived Eliza, whose almost luridly colourful life ended in agonising breast cancer, but it was to Eliza's faithful servant that Jane was eventually to make almost her only bequest.
ECONOMIST: Literary lives