No extra money, no credit card, no luxuries and less waste by the government.
Making him pay a six figure fine does not rob him of existing necessities and luxuries.
From Cartier to Tiffany, the Tantocos bring life's luxuries to Filipinos through their Rustan retail empire.
Rural schools -- where pencils, desks and books are luxuries -- are hardest hit.
After adopting a frugal lifestyle, the Kubackis say they now really appreciate life's little luxuries.
There are "none of those luxuries -- you just bucket and chuck it, " he quipped.
For Siti the lack of trade doesn't mean she gives up life's little luxuries.
But it is possible that buying genuine luxuries imposes an externality of its own.
Having cut the obvious luxuries (eg the company plane), they then cut 20% of staff.
He has brought these once unimaginable luxuries within reach by giving the masses access to credit.
The country's rich may enjoy many luxuries, but peace of mind is not one of them.
This might seem odd, given that mobile telephones are often thought of as luxuries.
In her little apartment her life is far removed from the luxuries of her royal roots.
It turns out the most worthy workplace luxuries of all are the time-saving incentives.
Moreover, what may appear to be limited luxuries for a few people today will be commonplace tomorrow.
FORBES: To Fix Income Inequality, The Have-Nots Must Become The Do-Somethings
Indulge in the opulent luxuries fit for a modern day romance, a place where the magic abounds.
It saves us money, however, some of which we can spend on cosmetic dentistry or other luxuries.
The cash card would explicitly prohibit the purchases of luxuries such as cigarettes, alcohol and Sky TV.
Overnight fortunes brought all mod cons, with the luxuries at Kolmanskop quickly rivalling those of any European town.
Basic services such as water and electricity remain luxuries, while 25% of the population lives in poverty.
Other luxuries include a six-burner stove, hundreds of pounds of food, flatware, napkins, fly rods and associated gear.
Plastic tat to Western eyes may be luxuries to the offspring of slum-dwellers.
And while he does his part for charity, Combs has never shied away from the luxuries that fame affords.
But it was coupled with his request that he be blessed with luxuries.
Greek voters loved their politicians as long as they enjoyed the luxuries provided by unsustainable borrowing and duplicitous bookkeeping.
PRD, in contrast, wants value-added tax removed from a range of basic goods and services, but increased on luxuries.
Certainly, spending on luxuries such as boats, aeroplanes, expensive cars and jewellery has soared during the past five years.
Entering the middle class brings a predictable taste for yogurt and other luxuries.
The Japanese were too busy rebuilding their ruined country after the second world war to indulge much in such luxuries.
Most of Maybach's luxuries come as standard equipment, but the ones that don't have price tags to fit the occasion.