They're still Republican members of the Senate who have not signed on to the lynching apology.
He did so even when a filibuster blocked an anti-lynching bill in 1938.
Till's lynching death in Mississippi helped spark the Civil Rights Movement, which radically altered the course of this nation.
Someone leaked Neal's whereabouts, and a lynching party stormed the jail and took Neal, his wrists hogtied, back to Marianna.
Mamdooh al-Munir, a local spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood said that the lynching followed a spate of rapes in the area.
Thurmond was quite a liberal state governor: he denounced lynching, and called for more money to be spent on black schools.
The Egyptian justice minister, Ahmad Mekki, has condemned the lynching and killing.
Just three months later the Montgomery bus boycott began, and many African-Americans will tell you that Till's gruesome lynching was the catalyst.
Earlier this month, the former IMF managing director's lawyers denied the accusations against him, saying he was the victim of a "lynching campaign".
There have been 12 cases of lynching since 2011, in which 17 people have been killed, three of them in the past month alone.
At the opening ceremony, the Nine were hailed as American heroes only a few yards from where they had been threatened with lynching 40 years before.
Although vigilantism may to some conjure up visions of mob violence and lynching, few would likely dispute that under extreme circumstances, it still has a place.
He would never speak of lynching Bernanke, as Perry threatened.