• An M60 machine-gun operator rests for a moment with his heavy load of ammunition.

    BBC: Return to Vietnam

  • The Iraqis have fired some mortars in the direction of Chamchamal and some heavy machine-gun fire.

    CNN: Kevin Sites: Kurds see bombing on northern Iraqi positions

  • The result was that swarms of British troops went over the top into a hail of German machine-gun fire.

    BBC: News | UK | Earl Haig: Villainous victor?

  • By the battle of Teruel he was captain of a machine-gun company.

    CNN: He remembers Papa

  • Floodlights and machine-gun toting Marines also are part of the heavy security.

    CNN: Gunfire erupts after detainees leave for Cuba

  • Later, US and Afghan forces said they had come under sporadic rocket and heavy machine-gun fire from insurgents dug into defensive positions in the area.

    BBC: Afghanistan: Nato launches major anti-Taliban offensive

  • In an attempt to pull a wounded man to safety, Dole was hit by German machine-gun fire that shattered his right shoulder and mangled his arm.

    NPR: Bob Dole Reopens a Painful Chapter

  • The camp will be surrounded by machine-gun toting Marines and military police and other security people and people with a variety of other weapons outside, and dogs.

    CNN: Franken

  • He added the accused's father works at Ballykinlar and his client had photographs taken of him holding a machine-gun at an open day at the base last year.

    BBC: Ballykinlar Army base

  • An alert, young M60 machine-gun operator in the jungle.

    BBC: Return to Vietnam

  • Beyond the camp, at each point of the compass, Nepalese Gurkhas hired by DynCorp maintained sentry positions in foxholes and in sandbagged machine-gun nests on the roofs of trucks.

    NEWYORKER: The Taliban��s Opium War

  • Even after the departure of Duvalier, the military continued to harass and attack the radio station, to tear down transmitters and even to machine-gun the facade of the building.

    UNESCO: Jean-transcript | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Even more popular than the stars, he argues, is an emphasis on families and traditional values that increasingly chimes with audiences tired of western machine-gun violence and sexual mores.

    ECONOMIST: A passage from India

  • In December 1998, a group of 16 western tourists, mostly British, was seized at gunpoint on a remote desert road in southern Yemen and taken hostage by fanatical, machine-gun-wielding militants.

    BBC: End of an era as Abu Hamza to be extradited

  • The bombardment was designed to kill or demoralise the machine-gun armed German front line and allow Haig's men to cross safely to the trenches before they were exposed to deadly fire.

    BBC: News | UK | Earl Haig: Villainous victor?

  • As the ambush intensified, Sgt Meyer defied his commanding officers' orders to jump into an armoured Humvee with a fellow Marine and brave an inferno of machine-gun fire, bullets, grenades and mortars.

    BBC: US Marine Dakota Meyer awarded Medal of Honor

  • On his instructions, Steinway's chief technician shaved the piano's hammers so they would be even lighter, and rearranged some parts so that a single note could be repeated in an almost machine-gun-like fashion.

    WSJ: When Two Makes Perfect | By Byron Janis

  • Soon after D-Day in 1944, while still a lieutenant, he became the first Welshman in WWII to be awarded the VC for his leadership in an assault on a German machine-gun post in Normandy.

    BBC: 'Superb gallantry' of Sir Tasker

  • At present the K-MAX has no defensive systems, but Lockheed Martin says the helicopters could easily be fitted with armour, machine-gun pods or flares which could be fired as decoys to divert ground-launched missiles.

    ECONOMIST: Autonomous helicopters

  • Navy officers in white uniforms strolled along the sidewalk next to the beach, machine-gun carrying Federal Police officers peered down from the back of pick-up trucks, and municipal police patrol cars circled the oceanfront.

    FORBES: Drug War Dilemma: Fighting to Improve Security AND Boost Tourism in Acapulco, Mexico

  • With the same laid-back verve that has characterized his rocket rise to the rarest reaches of the rap world, Wiz took the audience through his latest work, occasionally punctuating the proceedings with his machine-gun chuckle.

    FORBES: Wiz Khalifa: I'll Earn $100 Million This Year

  • Vertex, instead, takes a machine-gun approach, designing thousands of compounds to test them against hundreds of potentially disease-causing proteins--all at once, and before scientists even know which protein might be a good target or which compound might actually work.

    FORBES: Machine Gunner

  • The version of the Misfits' Green Hell is quite possibly the fastest song ever, with James giving even Jello Biafra of Dead Kennedys fame a run for his money as the angry guitars spit out riffs like machine-gun fire.

    BBC: Garage Inc - Metallica

  • At just 25 and while serving as a lieutenant, he became the first Welshman in World War II to be awarded the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest honour for gallantry, for an assault on a German machine-gun post in northern France.

    BBC: War hero Sir Tasker Watkins dies

  • In conferring the medal, President Barack Obama described the conditions faced by Romesha and 52 other soldiers when they came under attack from mortar, rocket-propelled grenade, machine-gun and sniper fire on October 3, 2009, at Combat Outpost Keating in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan.

    CNN: Medal of Honor recipient conflicted by joy, sadness

  • Still, he was able to utilize a series of Sony HVR-Z1U HDV cameras inside "prop 50-caliber machine-gun ammunition cases" after ruling out Panasonic's HVX-200 due to a lack of FireStore availability, and eventually blended a good bit of that content into the feature film.

    ENGADGET: Clint Eastwood edges closer to shooting in HD HD

  • They've set free the coolest technology from behind the locked lab doors at IBM, Xerox and the telephone companies and aft of the machine-gun-equipped guards at America's defense contractors, all of whom had reasons of their own--perfectly valid at the time--to keep the cool stuff from seeing the light of day.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • Apparently in a study done by the Deafness Research UK in conjunction with Dr. Brad Backus of University College London, 14 out of 15 toys tested produced noise levels above the recommended safety limit when held close to the ear. 8 of the 15 were just fine during normal use, but the three worst offenders -- a machine gun, a tommy gun and a cap gun -- are on the "avoid" list.

    ENGADGET: Christmas toy noises are/aren't dangerous

  • Soldier 33 said he heard a burst of gunfire from a Thompson sub-machine gun as he arrived at the Rossville Flats.

    BBC: Soldier 'saw shots fired'

  • They'll react to a sniper, and they will engage targets with a 50-caliber machine gun.

    NPR: U.S. Turns More Attention to Training Iraqi Forces

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