In "High Stakes" mode, you can take your favorite machine and race head-to-head against another player or the computer in a winner takes all race.
The makers would have to produce a mould, cast the head, machine it to a suitable finish, turn a wooden handle and then assemble the parts.
The team conducted a series of experiments in which known quantities of five such chemicals were mixed with water and passed through a dishwasher, a washing machine, a shower head inside a shower stall or a tap in a bath, all inside a specially designed chamber.
Now as I was doing this one day at a Midwest Wal Mart, I noticed that a camera was aimed in the over head direction of the machine.
Weinberg hopes other developers will be inspired to create more apps to expand Shimi's creative and interactive capabilities, allowing the machine to leave the lab and head into the real world.
ENGADGET: Georgia Tech's Shimi robot wants to rock with you all night, rock the night away
Minor said Locker was still alive when he left him in the car to head to the closest ATM machine.
FORBES: When White-Collar Crime Involves Murder -- The Case of Jeffrey Locker
If by the end of it you feel your comedy button has not been pushed, head to Doug Fishbone's Joke Machine.
In hopes of uncovering more about the effects of glaciers on the ocean floor, as well as details about the living creatures that inhabit said areas, UK scientists are carting the machine aboard the RSS James Clark Ross as they head for the Marguerite Bay area on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula.
ENGADGET: Britain's Isis ROV set to trawl the depths of Antarctica
He usually has his head buried in the guts of a vintage machine, maybe fixing a flipper on Mata Hari.
The narrow charge was that the Downing Street spin machine (aka Alastair Campbell, Mr Blair's head of communications) had bent the intelligence reports to win over doubters on the Labour benches.
The qubits were "programmed" using radio pulses, and the results of the calculations read using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging equipment, the same kind of machine a medical doctor might use to look inside at an injured head.
The inquest in Cardiff head that nearby Freshwater West beach may have been sprayed with machine gun fire.
The GS70 Stealth is a 17-inch gamer's machine, and by most indications, it's designed to go head to head with Razer's Blade lineup.
In an effort to save smartphones from the landfill, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently patented a design for a smartphone airbag system and we fell head over heels for the Scrubba, a portable washing machine made of lightweight material that's so small it can fit in your pocket.
Brad Coffey, head of corporate development for the company, likens the formula to a machine: Put a dollar in at the top and the LTV:CAC ratio will tell you roughly how many dollars come out at the bottom.
Head over to Beatbox Academy and get started mixing your own tunes with the interactive beatbox machine.
Perhaps that is because the formidable Labour Millbank machine did all it could four years ago to lay into any minor fiddle or question of probity hanging over the head of any Conservative MP.