The company quickly discovered that Macintosh and Windows users were distinct beasts and changed its marketing accordingly.
Labour's Ken Macintosh said calls for economic levers sounded like a plan to offer tax breaks.
The result was the Macintosh, perhaps the most famous product in the history of Silicon Valley.
Ms MacIntosh said public transport would be the easiest option for users of the city centre.
Labour education spokesman Ken Macintosh MSP said some of the recommendations would "drastically" change teacher duties.
The fan page also said the 32-year-old groom would wear a kilt in Hunting Macintosh tartan.
Just as with the Macintosh, Apple's success depends on a Jobsian mesh of hardware and software.
According to Mr Macintosh, the SNP had amplified problems created in Whitehall by misplaced priorities.
Kenny Macintosh (Eastwood, Labour) asked for reassurance that Scotland is not going to abolish its universities.
Motorola alleges that Apple's iPhone, iPad, iTouch and some Macintosh computers illegally use Motorola's technology.
Apple Computer gave her a Macintosh as part of a study in the late 1980s.
He willed the Macintosh team to create months worth of code in a matter of weeks.
Every Macintosh computer since the first one was sold in 1984 has relied on them.
Macintosh sales grew 19.6% to 1.3 million units from 947, 000 during the year-ago period.
FORBES: Apple Quietly Cannibalizing Western Europe's PC Industry
Meanwhile, the MultiMobile Powerbook V.90 card modem plugs into the PCMCIA slots of Macintosh PowerBooks.
We know why the Macintosh, the iPhone, the iPad and even the iPod make sense.
By the time Jobs unveiled the first Macintosh in 1984, he was more confident and charismatic.
FORBES: Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher, And The 10,000 Hour Rule
Substance, as well as style, is promised by new versions of the Power Macintosh.
Sega decided to release its new game "Yoot's Tower" for the Macintosh version first.
The company's extra virgin rapeseed oil is pressed and bottled on Mr Macintosh's family farm in Glendaveny.
What Isaacson can describe is telling, however: a new European power plug and connector for the Macintosh.
FORBES: Steve Jobs Bio: Apple Has 3 Years Of New Products In Jonathan Ive's Studio
With his passion to destroy the Lisa and promote the Macintosh, Jobs unconsciously advanced his own destruction.
Older versions of AIM on the Macintosh OS 9 and OS 8 had a tendency to crash.
Apple launched its revolutionary Macintosh to acclaim in 1984, but by 1985 it could hardly give it away.
The first TED showcased the brand-new Apple Macintosh and strange round silver shiny discs, the first CDs.
CNN: With TED, amazing ideas spread at speed of sound -- and light
The alternative-culture blog Boing Boing revamped its design in honor of Jobs to resemble retro Macintosh software.
And as Apple executives had hoped, the iPod's popularity is helping drive up sales of its Macintosh computers.
It reminded readers of Bushnell's early ties to the man behind the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Labour's Ken Macintosh came under particular attack from Mr Swinney and then from a succession of SNP backbenchers.
But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me.