Mad Men, AMC's drama about the "Golden Age" of advertising, begins its third season this weekend.
In this model, Netflix, circa 2012, is AMC before Mad Men, or HBO before The Sopranos.
House of Cards is the company's entry in the great American television series sweepstakes a show that could build buzz and rebrand Netflix like The Sopranos, Mad Men and Homeland revitalized HBO, AMC and Showtime, respectively.
The Golden Globe for best TV drama was awarded to AMC's "Mad Men" for the third straight year.
Matthew Weiner, the creator and driving force of the AMC cable series "Mad Men, " doesn't outwardly resemble the show's main character, the unflappable advertising executive Don Draper.
Vincent Kartheiser, who plays the malcontent Pete Campbell on AMC's "Mad Men, " will star this summer in a new Guthrie production of "Pride and Prejudice" as the brooding hero of Jane Austen's most famous novel.
For example, if someone tuned into the most recent episode of AMC's "Mad Men, " the app may recommend they go back and watch the first season and show which services, such as Netflix Inc.
By humanizing them, as Lone Star's writers strive to do, these characters can be both, and viewers are allowed to care about them in spite of--or perhaps because of--their flaws, much as they do the stars of Emmy-winning cable shows like AMC's Breaking Bad and Mad Men and FX's Damages.
The rise has been similarly impressive for Golden Globe winner Jon Hamm, better known as the enigmatic ad man Don Draper on AMC's Emmy-winning drama Mad Men.
AMC, the home of Emmy darlings "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad, " has decided to adapt the comic book series "The Walking Dead, " set to premiere Sunday, October 31, at 10 p.m.
He believes the availability of the first four seasons of "Mad Men" in Netflix's streaming library, for instance, helped increase viewership for new episodes on AMC this past spring.