Both candidates agreed on something else, too: Important statements should be made from mansions.
He made a wisecrack about dealing with deflation, if necessary, by dropping dollar bills from aircraft.
Presidential hopefuls have already begun visiting the town: John McCain made a stop on March 17.
Some of the clothes produced in the Rana Plaza building were made for Western retailers.
Because it's made from corn, it is both inexpensive and easy on the earth to produce.
Two years later he made his first West End appearance in Gilt And Gingerbread.
But executives of the two derivatives markets said Tuesday that global competition made their merger compelling.
It is made up of three historic palazzo, and both Depp and Jolie have stayed here.
The former Motorola engineer Marty Cooper, in fact, made the first-ever wireless phone call in 1973.
He made a fortune in 2007, buying Chinese, Indian and Gulf States stocks and non-U.S. currencies.
The death penalty, said Breyer, has changed since the decision that made it legal again.
It was in death, however, that Nobel made his indelible mark on the world.
Her brush with death made her decide once and for all: The weight had to go.
She made a compelling case for the similarities between sporting dedication and doctoral research.
Perhaps most sobering for U.S. taxpayers and creditors are some robust assumptions made in the report.
The smells of freshly made pastry, noodle soup and stir fry hang in the air.
The bad news: Gustav made landfall at 10:30 a.m. local time at Cocodrie, La.
City goalkeeper Zac Barrett made two spot-kick saves and admitted he was delighted with his contribution.
When I have finished speaking, certain detailed announcements will be made on behalf of the government.
Its advocates clearly want a political union, with major decisions being made by Brussels-based bureaucrats.
Doan foresaw the day of cheap servers and made his software bet on that platform.
Makes you wonder: With billions to be made, maybe private investors could build the convention hall?
We eat neat, narrow triangles of four-month-old clarissa cheese, made by hand by Lino.
It was a beautiful, unassuming church meticulously made out of stone and stained glass.
We have made a 20% improvement and in the letter from Ofsted they recognise that.
BBC: Coventry Ofsted report: Two schools in special measures
Even by the time of his death in 1324, the book had made Marco Polo famous.
The FHA-insured loans are made by private mortgage companies, which are in turn monitored by HUD.
Quietly, he staked a claim, made a fortune and lost it, before dying penniless.
Compared to 2011, more passengers made it to their destinations on time with their bags.
Lind said the podcasts from The Moth and This American Life have made storytelling popular.