It is made up of three historic palazzo, and both Depp and Jolie have stayed here.
The Giant's Causeway is made up of 40, 000 black basalt columns protruding from the sea.
Financial sponsors like Texas Pacific Group made up just 9% of the volume, compared with 27% last year.
In 2001 Protestants made up 48.59% of Belfast's population, just ahead of Catholics at 47.19%.
Ryan said nearly a third of her staff is made up of former clients.
Subprime mortgage originations made up 20% of all mortgages in the last two years.
The troika is made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Real estate and alternative investments (MLPs included) made up two-thirds of the equity side.
"I think (Arrom and Marti) kidnapped Debernardi and then made up this whole theatre, " she said.
Jeremy Lin caught the T-shirt prophets napping, though they've made up for it since.
Business for Scotland is made up of individuals from mainly small and medium-sized enterprises.
The indices were made up of several different funds including those belonging to Fairfield Greenwich Group.
The catch: The conflict can't be made up for the sake of a good story.
Those investors who think they have made up their losses had best think again.
The evening kicked off with an a cappella singing group made up of who else?
These new drugs have not quite made up for the big patent losses Bristol faced.
Its not something made up by pharma, and for some people it is an extraordinary problem.
FORBES: Are Drug Industry Critics Trying To Bolster Their Own Image?
Self-published titles made up 25% of the top-selling books on Amazon in 2012.
FORBES: Connecting marketers to the Forbes audience. What is this?
Should the Gulf be put off limits, that shortfall has to be made up from somewhere.
At Club Surya the power shortfall is made up by solar panels and a wind turbine.
Membership in the Association is made up solely of recipients of the Horatio Alger Award.
The band is made up of Jamie Smith (accordion), Adam Rhodes (bouzouki) and Tomas Callister (fiddle).
Kris Kross was made up of Kelly, known as "Mac Daddy", and Chris "Daddy Mac" Smith.
They made up their lack of inspiring and empowering leadership by their sheer individual brilliance.
Nevertheless, attacks linked to Somalia made up more than half the piracy incidents reported worldwide.
Most of the interior was made up of a single, raised platform where the family slept.
What the USsent in basic supplies, the South Korean government made up for in cash payments.
The rest of the group is made up of five Indians, four Americans, and four Russians.
African-Americans made up 29 percent of voters in the Democratic primary, according to the early polling.
CNN: Exit polls for Potomac primaries show support for Obama ran wide
The audience was made up of CIOs and network geeks from federal government agencies.