Most of the money will go to the police, with the rest going to magistrates courts, the Highways Authority and the Treasury.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Speed camera fines show 70% rise
"Wiltshire Trading Standards would pass on the details of offending vehicles to the DVLA (Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency), which could result in prosecutions through the magistrates courts, " the council spokesman added.
Magistrates courts have proved effective in ensuring swift justice.
Ms Dati plans to close 178 of the 473 magistrates' courts, and 23 county courts, and redistribute staff.
The Lynn Road building was one of 93 magistrates' courts across England and Wales closed by the Ministry of Justice.
The 190-year-old courthouse was earmarked for closure in December 2010 when the government announced that it would shut 93 magistrates' courts.
On Friday morning, a number of addresses were raided, while magistrates' courts sat through the night again to process those charged.
Magistrates' courts can impose a maximum six-month prison term for a single offence and up to 12 months in total for more than one.
In Lorraine in eastern France, ten magistrates' courts employ a full-time judge without the workload to justify it, and two have none at all.
Some magistrates' courts in England and Wales are four times more likely to send offenders to prison than others, a penal reform charity has said.
But, while English magistrates' courts reduced the proportion of custodial sentences in that period, from 4.9% to 3.8%, Welsh courts showed a slight increase, from 4% to 4.3%.
"The West Midlands Police Twitter stunt highlights a serious issue - the concern that local newspapers aren't covering magistrates' courts as comprehensively as they once did, " he said.
Most are dealt with by lay magistrates in local courts, capable of imposing prison sentences of up to two years, or involve guilty pleas.
The council, which gives guidance to the courts, says magistrates should impose greater fines more frequently against the most serious offenders.
In August, new advice was issued for judges and magistrates aiming to encourage the courts to use harsher sentences when dealing with dangerous dog offenders.
Magistrates are able to refer cases to crown courts which have tougher sentencing powers.
The nation's roughly 500 magistrates act as assistant judges in U.S. District Courts, handling requests for search warrants and other types of surveillance.
But the Sentencing Council said its proposals, which would not apply to Scotland or Northern Ireland, would help magistrates who have to deal with the vast majority of cases brought before the courts.
The move to the adult courts was supported by the prosecution and Chairman of the Bench Brian Upton adjourned the matter to Liverpool Magistrates' Court on 22 February.