My background is in the creation of magnetic recording heads and media using physical vapor deposition technology.
Note that an American, Oberlin Smith, described how magnetic recording could be done on magnetic impregnated thread or steel wire in 1888.
Some papers at the conference projected that HAMR recording could take magnetic recording densities to perhaps 6 Tb per square inch (Tbpsi).
Flash memory and other semiconductor manufacturing uses equipment with a lot of similarities to the equipment used to make magnetic recording components.
Iron oxide is used in coatings for magnetic recording materials.
Many different approaches to record sound with magnetic recording for were developed over the years since the first demonstration of magnetic recording on steel wires by Danish inventor, Vladimir Poulsen, sometime between 1893 and 1898.
While the swifter SATA drives will likely benchmark a bit better than the PATA counterparts, both versions sport perpendicular magnetic recording to prevent data corruption, as well as "industry leading free-fall sensors" that pack 700G of operating shock tolerance.
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The conference included many papers on various aspects and issues in energy assisted magnetic recording (HAMR is one version of this) as well as a technology called shingled magnetic recording where magnetic recorded tracks are written offset from each other giving a higher track density and thus more storage capacity.
Jim was a frequent presenter at many industry events including many IDEMA conferences, the Head and Media Technology Review Conference, the 100th Anniversary of Magnetic Recording and Information Storage at Santa Clara University (SCU) as well as other events put on by the Institute of Information Storage Technology at SCU, and at his own DataStorage Conferences.
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At least those old news reels had traces of the audible static of old magnetic sound recording to remind you that the pictures in front of you were actually moving.
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Magnetic tape in professional recording has taken a nose dive while flash memory is the rising video storage format according the survey results.
With the announcement of heat assisted magnetic (HAMR) recording products by 2014 a few weeks ago Seagate could produce thin (7 or even 5 mm thick) 5, 400 RPM hybrid HDDs with storage capacities of 1 TB within the next couple of years.
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As can be seen, traditional film use is 15% or less with digital technologies such as optical discs, hard disk drives, magnetic tape and flash memory are the bulk of modern recording media.
These analog magnetic tape machines led to the development of audio and video recording technologies after WWII by companies such as Ampex.
However with the introduction of lighter weight and more flexible plastic substrate magnetic tapes, combined with a vacuum column to control the tension that the magnetic tape experiences during use, the IBM 726 was a prototype of the modern digital tape recording system.