Rolls-Royce was throwing a brunch for a few VIPs (owners and seriously prospective wanna bes) at a stucco place just off the main path in Water Mill, so we roared up the road to have a bite.
King Hussein set political liberalisation in motion but he has now, claim many Jordanians, become the main obstacle in its path.
When travelling in a counter-clockwise path from the main entrance, the layout is broadly chronological, with galleries arranged by region.
In previous interviews, Mr. Najib has talked widely on this theme, describing his goal to push Malaysia onto a higher-growth path as the main focus of his administration.
But he was soon vindicated in the eyes of most Peruvians by the capture of the leader of the main rebel group, the Shining Path.
The park's mines closed in the 1900s, but the leete path, one of the main trails through the park, follows the route of a former mine working watercourse.
BBC: Loggerheads Country Park: Mill waterwheel to turn again
Six of the recycled stone pillars marking the main paths up the mountain - Llanberis Path, Rhyd-Ddu Path, Snowdon Ranger Path, Miners Track and the Pyg Track - are being erected over the next few weeks.
Clicking off the main menu bar allows you to follow the path of da Vinci's work, from his earliest sketches to famous paintings and his scientific musings.
And Lord Mandelson stressed that the coalition's main aim should be "to put the economy on an upward path" in order to improve national prosperity.
The Elwy still rages angrily under the town's main bridge, engulfing fields, a car park and adjacent roads in its path.
BBC: Ruthin floods: Alarm raised by postman who saw river rise
When Ward redesigned this place, he moved the main entrance to the back of the house, removed the stairs and added a smooth path that leads from his parking spot to the door.
MI5 soon discovered that the two main instigators of the successful attack, Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, had crossed their path before, particularly on the fringes of Operation Crevice.
So nationalist voters want to send a signal to both main British parties, as well as to strengthen those republicans who want to follow a political rather than a violent path.