Captured on film by premier photojournalist Flip Schulke, the book shows Ali's determination to break out into mainstream culture.
Auden, who were pillars of Western civilization and mainstream culture and whose own politics, in many cases, were hardly leftist.
But Turks living in Germany, and Germans with Turkish parents, have not yet made a significant impact on the country's mainstream culture.
Other rules went the reverse direction and became part of mainstream culture.
Every time someone stands up for the civil rights of another, risking exclusion from mainstream culture, we move the needle in the direction of justice.
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The problem is that with the success of the Enlightenment, science, and our modern culture, we seem to have discarded the idea of mythos as part of our mainstream culture.
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Siwa's very isolation helped protect a unique society that until today stands apart from mainstream Egyptian culture.
Despite the rise in many hostel bookings, Williams said hostelling still isn't part of mainstream American culture.
But whether or not Major League Soccer ever really takes off in the United States, soccer as a game is now part of mainstream American culture.
Asian and South Asian filmmaking styles have made deep inroads into mainstream American pop culture.
The sights and sounds of old-school games like Frogger and Donkey Kong are now becoming a part of mainstream music and culture.
When something like geek culture becomes mainstream the whole fragile edifice of being part of the out-crowd is threatened.
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Its second wave of popularity came through word of mouth once it started receiving widespread coverage in mainstream news outlets and popular culture.
But in the Anglosphere it became mainstream, part of pop-culture.
As tech startup culture increasingly enters the mainstream consciousness through movies like "The Social Network" or headlines about the latest 20-something to cash in a dorm-room idea for millions of dollars, the field is attracting a whole new host of personality types.
When we say mainstream, we think of a single monolithic culture that dominates the conversation.
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He understood how much the geek culture's acceptance by the mainstream had helped his own success as genre material had made the transformation from niche to widespread commercial viability.
And despite mounting popularity, Kalwill thinks the biking culture has yet to transition from trendy to mainstream.
He's not interested in conforming to a mainstream standard and was hell-bent on avoiding what he called "the karaoke culture" of "American Idol, " "The X Factor" and other programs in which singing is a competition for the mass taste.
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And author Miranda Sawyer, who grew up in Cheshire's Wilmslow - "a pink jumper, white stilettos kind of a town" - and wrote Park and Ride about suburban culture, says the 'burbs have always exerted a huge influence on mainstream society.
The youth culture of the 1960s may have promoted sexual license, but glam rock was the first mainstream pop movement to trade on androgyny and sexual ambiguity.
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