Some remand prisoners found it difficult to maintain contact with solicitors and attend education courses.
It could for example give back some money for humanitarian needs and maintain contact with the moderates it has always talked to.
The Mental Welfare Commission says most healthcare staff are unaware of their responsibilities to help parents to maintain contact with their children.
"Dealing with low risk offenders locally will reduce costs to the public purse and maintain contact with professional and family support, " he added.
The prison was also criticised for "noticeably poor" visiting arrangements, which inspectors said made it difficult for the men to maintain contact with their families.
Mr. BARNETT RUBIN (New York University): I need to maintain contact with those people in order to continue my evaluations and analysis of the situation there.
Since the picocell is so nearby, the handsets can operate at very low power to maintain contact with it, which eliminates interference with networks on the ground.
Maintain eye contact with the questioner and audience members, Price says.
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The speedway has been equipped with Cisco Aironet 1300 series wireless access points at each turn and the start and finish lines, helping maintain constant contact with the cars.
The two officers appear to maintain contact, separately, with different groups on the ground in different regions of Syria.
They have to maintain group cohesion and stay in contact with one another and coordinate their activities -- how do you do that when you can't see one another?
The next step was to engage with prospects and customers before the event and maintain contact after.
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China's government has also advised people to maintain good personal hygiene, including frequent hand-washing and avoid direct contact with sick or dead animals.
The Chinese government has stepped up its disease surveillance, and has advised people to maintain good personal hygiene, including frequent hand-washing and avoiding direct contact with sick or dead animals.