Pluto's status as an astronomical hot potato if not as a major planet seems assured for some years yet.
Choice of a suitably fiddled threshold (say, 1, 000km) would then make Pluto, but not Ceres, a major planet.
One approach might be to say that in order to be considered a major planet, a body needs to be larger than a certain diameter.
Preliminary mapping data show that Vesta is a world layered in many different rock types and minerals, supporting the notion that it might have become a major planet had it not been trapped in the asteroid belt's powerful gravitational rip tides.
At the same time, though, it would retain its major-planet status, and would be regarded officially as a planet of both the major and the minor sort.
Oceans are considered to be one of the planet major players in the global carbon cycle, but the carbon uptake in the region where the eruption occurred has limited capacity.
In addition to earthquakes and tsunamis, global warming is a major concern for the entire planet.
This is probably the least appreciated major business story on the planet right now.
In part because Halliburton acquired its way into tentacles that stretch into every major heavy industry on the planet.
The 1956 sci-fi thriller Forbidden Planet was the first major motion picture to feature an all-electronic film score a soundtrack that predated synthesizers and samplers.
In my article yesterday, I called Agile the best-kept management secret on the planet and Scrum a major management discovery, despite the ten perennial management objections to Agile.
FORBES: A New Objection To Agile: Software Can't Be Managed!
Nations are at a crossroads "where if we recognize these major ways we are changing the planet and actively guide how we are making those changes, we can move our biosphere in directions we want it to, " Barnosky said.
Every major corporation on the face of the planet has a leadership development program, but I challenge you to find a definition of leadership anywhere in the curriculum.
The duty that we have to bring to the next generations a planet that shall not be facing major disasters.
The country that was once the cheap factory labor mill of the planet continues to go through a major structural shift in its economy.
Plainly, Asia and the rest of the world could be facing a major struggle to ensure that the impoverished of Planet Earth wouldn't be written off by a group of American experts, no matter how brilliant and well-meaning they may be.
Big technology like renewable energy, carbon sequestration and advances in aquaculture certainly have a major role in restoring the ocean and the planet to a healthy balance, but in many cases it's a matter of giving nature the space and time to do what it needs to do with a helping hand from all of us.
Derry's City of Culture year was a major reason for its fourth placing in the Lonely Planet list, but Tom Hall said there were other considerations.
BBC: Londonderry 'world's fourth best city to visit' in 2013
The March conference, Planet Under Pressure, held the first major science-policy dialogue on SDGs, jointly organized with the team set up to direct the post-2015 MDGs.
Each asteroid is plotted using actual documented discovery dates taken from the Minor Planet Center and the Lowell Observatory, major astronomy centers that host large sets of publicly available data.
With the first week on Mars behind them, the scientists and engineers who put Pathfinder on the Red Planet say they have already met the major objectives set for the mission.
"People have become a geological force in their own right, and we are changing the planet in ways every bit as dramatic as major geological events, " Barnosky said.
For it really is true that the major cost and difficulty of doing so is getting the first 50 miles off the planet.
FORBES: Is This The Final Technical Piece We Need For The Space Elevator?
Ronaldo had taken 98 shots and scored just five goals in his 16 matches at major international tournaments, hardly the sort of dominance that arguably the greatest player on the planet should display.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal Show Czech Republic the Exit
But such forward thinking has transformed South Korea from one of the poorest countries in Asia to an advanced high-tech economy that's home to major tech firms like Samsung and LG, as well as the most wired population on the planet.