Insurers have only been able to contemplate starting major repair work in the past six months, he said.
The authority also agreed to reduce the 100% discount on empty and unfurnished properties from six months to one month and said it would charge 50% council tax for properties undergoing major repair.
It added that it aimed to repair large potholes on major roads, well-used pavements and cycleways within one working day of being reported.
General Dynamics NASSCO, a major ship design, construction and repair company, mailed warn letters to about 1, 040 employees in San Diego, Norfolk and Mayport, informing them that they could be indefinitely laid off in April -- at the end of April through the summer, due to the possible cancellation or delay of maintenance and repair work and uncertainty created by sequestration.
The world held its breath for weeks as TEPCO struggled to contain the radiation, restore electricity to the site, and repair cooling systems to prevent major core meltdowns.
"For me it is clear that the Cassez case is only a symptom of a police and judicial system which is showing major cracks and in is in profound need of repair, " wrote legal expert Miguel Carbonell of the Autonomous University in Mexico City after the ruling.
It's good for the sort of repairs that you describe, as well as replacement of appliances and window replacement, but cannot be used for major remodeling such as room add-ons, structural damage repair or landscaping.
It comes down to about 265-350 genes and the way they work together to build proteins and the other chemicals that form the organism's structure, metabolism and self-repair mechanisms could help us to fill in some major gaps in our biological knowledge.
Work to repair a County Tyrone school which was partially destroyed in a major fire last month will enter a new phase on Monday.
Therefore, full safe clearance is never done during the day (except in emergency repair situations), and nighttime is the only time all the major maintenance work can be completed.
Public officials have focused in recent years on the desperate need for money to repair thousands of bridges deemed structurally deficient, which typically means a major portion of the bridge is in poor condition or worse.
Third, the financial industry, and the major investment houses, in particular, are facing reputation issues that take time to repair, especially in the face new issues like the LIBOR scandal just take a look at Nomura Holdings (NYSE:NMR) and Mitsubishi UFJ (NYSE:MTU), which trade at a fraction of their 1989 all time highs.