The panel was led by George Mitchell, the former Democratic majority leader of the Senate, and Newt Gingrich, the former Republican speaker of the House.
I'm hopeful that his experience as minority and majority leader of the Senate can help us forge a new partnership with the Congress, especially on foreign and national security policies.
But this week, Harry Reid, the majority leader of the Senate, said that he may have the 60 votes necessary to pass a version of the health-reform bill that includes some form of public plan.
This year's fight is being led by Joseph Bruno, Republican majority leader of the state senate, who has threatened to let the rent-control laws expire on June 15th if Democrats do not agree to overhaul them.
Perhaps a large part of the reason stems from the ousting of then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle in 2004 when Republicans took control of the Senate.
Moreover, Harry Reid, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, doubts that there is enough time to put such a complicated deal into legislative language and usher it through Congress by August 2nd.
Cuomo concluded that some of Spitzer's closest aides, including Dopp, the governor's press chief, improperly conspired with the state police to dig up dirt on political arch-rival Joseph Bruno, the Republican majority leader of the New York Senate.
Tom Daschle, now the minority leader, to be majority leader, shifting control of the Senate to the Democrats.
CNN: Jeffords leaves GOP, throwing Senate control to Democrats
Shouldn't the Speaker of the House and Senate majority leader have gone to the funeral of a Cabinet secretary?
Larry Cohen, president of the Communications Workers of America, urged Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to move the nominations quickly.
Smith has been in office since 2000 and has been both majority and minority leader of the state Senate.
He won a Senate seat in 1986 and was the party's leader in the Senate from 1994 to 2004, serving as majority leader when the Democrats were in control of the Senate from 2001 to 2003.
This week, the Senate majority leader hopes to bring some kind of an immigration bill to the floor in the Senate, but we don't know that they really have a package deal yet.
In February 1997, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader, and seven Senate and House Committee chairmen joined in a letter to OMB setting out Congressional expectations for the consultation process under GPRA. This letter, and OMB's response to it, became the basis for a second OMB issuance on Congressional consultation.
Harry Reid, the majority leader of the current do-nothing Senate, not long ago summed up his feelings about our nominee.
By tradition, the majority leader's job is to find the sense of the Senate and make the deal that lets the Senate work its will.
After three Republicans -- Jeffords, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania voted for the amendment -- Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, changed his vote in favor of the measure, saying he hoped to come back later with a GOP counterproposal.
Several Republicans, including the speaker of the state house and the state senate majority leader, could run against freshman Sen.
So I hope that that's just the sign that the Senate majority leader is still learning the ropes of his new job.
And I think that, as we said in the past, that the markets would react badly, as Ronald Reagan said in 1983 to the Senate majority leader, that even the prospect of default would be viewed very negatively by the markets.
At the start of Bush's European tour, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) criticized the president's handling of United States allies in a newspaper interview.
He was especially frustrated by being the presiding figurehead of a Senate dominated by the Republican majority leader, Henry Cabot Lodge.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, acknowledged the rules of the Senate would allow the Democrats to keep up the tactic for as long as they wanted, but as the chamber's chief scheduler he was not going to make their lives easy if they insisted on keeping it up.
About 120 Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, the speaker, could well vote against the bill (the latter presumably only in her personal capacity, though the change of tack was driven by Harry Reid, the majority leader in the Senate).
Following Daschle's withdrawal from consideration, Obama admitted that he "screwed up" in pushing the former Senate majority leader for the HHS post, even in the face of tax concerns.
Their relationship has echoes of the dynamics between Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson and northern liberals in the 1950s.
All four workers worked at a facility that processed the letter that eventually wound up in the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.
In order to get the up or down vote on Owen that Republicans want, Majority Leader Frist is threatening to change the rules of the Senate so that Democrats can't require 60 votes to move on the nomination and Republicans would need just a simple majority.
But if those who want a little sun to shine into the crannies of these secretive groups could get around Trent Lott, the Senate majority leader who opposed the provision, they couldn't maneuver around Tom DeLay, the House Republican whip who has close ties to three such outfits.
When those discussions fell apart the majority leader became a foil for Senate Democrats, who tried to make him the face of GOP obstructionism throughout much of the debate on spending and taxes.