Though widely predicted to be a make or break day for the two candidates, it was not.
CNN: Democratic stars sweep aside opposition
The Budget contained two significant measures: new planning guidance to make it easier for operators to explore and a tax break to cushion start-up costs.
BBC: Budget: What's in it for the East Midlands?
Spain, by comparison to Germany, has only a two-week winter break, as does Italy, while England sits at the opposite end of the spectrum: Between the Premier League and the FA Cup, the holiday season is extremely congested, making it a traditional make-or-break-point for many campaigns.
WSJ: The Secret of Germany's Success
The combined shares of U.S. and European nations in each organization make it nearly impossible for a candidate from other nationalities to break the unwritten compact.
WSJ: U.S. Picks Health Expert to Head World Bank
The federal government may ask questions about whether wireless carriers are impeding competition through various practices, such as locking up popular phones with exclusive deals that can make it tough for software developers to break through to a mass market.
FORBES: Why Your Smart Phone Is So Stupid
Sensing a groundswell, Applecorps is likely to want a cut of the action that will only make it harder for Apple Computer to break even on the service.
FORBES: Two Apples Heading Back To Court
Either way, it's a guest workers program that will make or break the prospects for immigration reform.
CNN: Guest worker issue may kill immigration reform
The agreement is the latest twist in the government's long-running effort to break a logjam in the housing market, by pushing lenders to cut loan balances to make it easier for borrowers to stay in their homes.
WSJ: BofA Makes Mortgage- Balance Side Deal