Bespoke adds that if you want to make a comparison between now and any other year, it should be 1995.
Most of the brands don't have lab tests on the amount of flavanols, so there's no way to make a comparison.
In the paper on that study, published in the journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, the authors claim they didn't have enough patients on Actos in their database to make a comparison.
"It's hard to make a comparison between Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima because the radioactive release is different and so is the population, " said John Large, a UK-based independent nuclear engineer.
"At this field site, we are very lucky to have two key bioenergy crops growing side-by-side, which is allowing us to make a comparison of their effects on soil carbon and greenhouse gas emissions from the soil, " he told BBC News.
BBC: Measuring bioenergy crops' carbon footprint credentials
Because we've improved our methodology this year, it's difficult to make a direct comparison with prior lists.
The two women will not have an opportunity to make a direct comparison.
But Sadhana Srivastava, in an article in India's Economic and Political Weekly, has recalculated both India's and China's figures for the year 2000 to make a fairer comparison.
The FBI did not make a final determination either way, citing several reasons including the fact they came during "an extreme emotional state, " there weren't enough words to make a good comparison and the sound quality was low and distant.
Without the award letter, families may not be able to make a real cost comparison between similarly situated schools.
FORBES: FAFSA, Tax Return Delays Could Slow College Enrollment Decisions
The doctor plans to try the patch with at least 50 patients this fall, and hopes to make a more thorough comparison between it and pill.
CNN: New patch may control Parkinson's symptoms better - Sept. 3, 1996
Mr Davis will not want to make a mockery of this comparison by using money that could burnish his state's lustre merely to featherbed special interests instead.
The team said for a "typical person" the forces were almost unimaginable, the closest comparison they could make was with a rollercoaster -- though that is some way off.
Department of Education officials said they plan to add a comparison tool and make other revisions.
Lifecodes' scientists conceded that they had simply compared the profiles by eye, rather than getting a computer to make an objective comparison.
Total worldwide shipments declined by more than 8 percent in either estimate -- enough to make a flat second quarter seem rosy by comparison.
You cannot blame Denver for trading Mr. Tebow in order to make room for Peyton Manning, and a statistical comparison of the Broncos offensive improvement in 2012 compared to 2011 supports this emphatically.
FORBES: The $4 Million Tim Tebow Experiment Ends in New York...Is Canada Tebow's Next Pass?
It is a comparison Fletcher is well-placed to make after his time with Kallis in South African provincial cricket.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Ban v Eng 2003 | Clarke hints at future role
The alternative, for Bangladesh and the region, would make the country's current problems look like a cakewalk in comparison.
That would probably make me feel as if I were the victim of a ludicrous comparison underpinned by a busted rhetorical flush, to be honest.
FORBES: The Sincerest Form of Appery? Imitation And Ethics On Games' New Frontiers
They were told not to make contact with friends or post information to allow for a cleaner comparison since all participants simply browsed online rather than actively engaging.
FORBES: Eating Too Much? Blame It On Facebook, Not Holiday Treats
The battle then will make the fuss over the Berwick nomination look like a group hug by comparison.
FORBES: What The Berwick Back-Door Appointment Says About ObamaCare: Nothing Good
Can there be any doubt that, under such circumstances, the costs he will be able to inflict in a future crisis will make those we must face today pale by comparison?
To make that decision as informed as possible, there's also a feature comparison list, so skip along to the source link to get informed.
ENGADGET: Canon Rebel T2i / 550D squares off with EOS 7D in video performance test
Other harsh ceremonies, such as circumcision without anesthetic, teeth sharpening, and physical disfiguration, make what I suggest individual investors endure seem like a tiptoe through the tulips by comparison.
To read them is to make the belated acquaintance of a critic who at his best was worthy of direct comparison with George Orwell, the writer whom he most closely resembled.
WSJ: Otis Ferguson: A Film and Jazz Critic Still Waiting for His Due | Sightings By Terry Teachout
When reviewing your annual statement, make sure to understand exactly how return is calculated and whether the advisor is using a valid benchmark comparison for the holdings in your portfolio.
But this northernmost German state came back into the news when Thilo Weichert, the state's privacy commissioner, raised an issue of such complexity that it will make the first Schleswig-Holstein question look like a dot-to-dot coloring book in comparison.
Within the union, the Treasury paper basically says the current set-up for Scotland makes sense, for the same reasons that a currency union between Austria and Germany makes sense - though I should say they never make the comparison.