And here I have to make a confession.
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The film resembles "Independence Day" in several ways, the most obvious being the beating that the White House takes. (Also the C-130's eerie ability to defend itself against our Air Force interceptors, at least for a while, by putting out a futuristic force field.) But there's a crucial difference, and to discuss it I must first make a confession.
WSJ: 'Olympus': Upping The Idiocy in D.C. | 'Olympus Has Fallen' | 'The Sapphires' | 'Starbuck' | 'From Up on Poppy Hill' | 'Admission' | 'Training Day' | 'Spirited Away' | 'Clueless' | By Joe Morgenstern
"My feeling is that he came forward because he's been in a pretty bad place since the truth has emerged, and the only way that he can rebuild to begin his life is to make a full confession of all the things he did, " Walsh said.
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But first, Shahriar Afshar, a visiting research professor at Rowan University in New Jersey, has a confession to make.
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Piven, age 47, is eager to continue his English adventure as the retailing legend, but has a confession to make: He's no shopaholic.
NPR: Jeremy Piven Moves From Ari To Harry In PBS Series
And I have a confession to make here.
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Now I want to make another confession, though I'd rather think of it as sharing a revelation.
WSJ: Your Sister's Sister | Rock of Ages | A Small, Vivid Gem | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern