The convenience of quickly firing an off an email to a friend or colleague without having to makeafuss about what the focus of the conversation is would not be a freedom users would want to part with anytime soon.
Small wonder then that the Tories made so much ofa ruckus about it at the election, and why William Hague, the Tory leader, continued to makeafuss about it in the House of Commons on July 23rd.
And to make such a big fuss about just one book, one audiotape of one person who is not really very well known in this (unintelligible) community of Islam in the West or contemporary Islamic revival is not a way to go.
Mr. Hanson, who seemed self-effacing and available in a way that those who make their living exploring the nooks and crannies of nature often are, attributed the fuss less to him than to his subject matter.