Once the work is complete the Princess will make a journey south to London's Paddington station.
Anyone planning to make a journey is advised to contact their travel operator.
In Roman times only the very richest would have the ability to make such a journey: the average working lifetime simply did not contain enough income to finance such a journey.
It is also the end of the month - I get paid at the beginning of the month and by this late stage I have too little funds remaining to be able to make a long journey.
There are, however, a few observations that could and should make a Trans Atlantic journey.
There are less obvious things that can make your journey a nicer experience too, Mr. Stewart adds.
Vinny Dotoli: When we started out, we had an inspiring school on paper but a long journey to make it a reality.
If I learn what it takes to walk in their shoes, my hope is that I can make their journey a little bit better.
But the female cubs are too young to make such a long journey yet so will spend a few months on the island before travelling to their permanent home.
All of these friction points make the entrepreneurial journey a steep uphill incline.
Prior to the completion of the cable cars, people stranded in the favelas wanting access to jobs, education, healthcare and even basic shopping had to make a slow and arduous journey down the mountainside to get into the city.
Apollo 17's Harrison Schmitt -- a geologist at the time, and the only scientist to make the lunar journey -- served a term as U.S. senator from New Mexico, but was defeated in a run for re-election in 1982.
Meanwhile, Newcastle were forced to make a 400-mile road journey for their away Championship match at Plymouth on Monday.
Currently around half a million people make the journey, either on foot or on the train, to the summit each year, and the new building might attract even more.
"Yes, we started with video games, but we have been on a journey to make Xbox the center of every household's entertainment, " says Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business.
So, when Olympus reached out with a similar teaser last month, we didn't hesitate to make the same journey yet again to spend a day with this year's MFT master.
The chance that a suitable meteorite could make the journey fast enough is virtually zero.
Hundreds of trucks a day clog up the land border between northern Iraq and Turkey as a flow of goods make the journey to Kurdish markets.
"The decision of what to make has never come from a point of 'gee, let's go break a taboo' - it comes simply from what I need to do with my life, what will make my life a rich and interesting journey, " he says.
As the global leader in enterprise software including analytics, SAP is committed to this vision and we call others to join forces with us to embrace the tools and technology available to make a positive impact on our shared global journey.
For better or worse, the future of Antarctica may depend on how many people choose to save up and make the once-in-a-lifetime journey.
See, growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I watched my own father make that same uncomplaining journey every day to a job at the city water plant.
"It is a wonderful acknowledgment of what has been a six-year journey to make and release this first film in 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, " director Peter Jackson said.
As you sit there not moving, watching the traffic lights changing back and forth, this is the perfect time to stop and think - is this a journey you really need to make?
This is an opportunity to take a journey that will allow you to make an impact on a massive scale.
Driving in hazardous wintry conditions, Rangel decided to make the journey to his local sandwich shop to have a bite to eat.
For part of the journey, he wore a mask to make him anonymous like the real-life guides, which was supposed to add to the drama.
CNN: Pay to play a border crosser in bizarre tourist attraction
In 1995, he and a five-member crew rafted down the Santa Cruz River, in Patagonia, inspired by a journey that Charles Darwin had tried to make in 1834.
Just wanting to get home after a long day at work, Rosa Parks may not have been planning to make history, but her defiance spurred a movement that advanced our journey toward justice and equality for all.
The Longest Journey is a voyage well worth taking, just make sure you've got enough vacation time left - that title is more appropriate than you'd think.