It also leads them to bring legal cases that make a mockery of individual responsibility.
They also make a mockery of any attempt to establish a functioning Palestinian police force.
The eight absent flower children from Dimuchong village alone make a mockery of that claim.
Strikes by American drone aircraft against suspected extremists in Pakistan's tribal areas make a mockery of the country's sovereignty.
The Campaign To Protect Rural England (CPRE) says the provisions make a mockery of the government's stated commitment to localism.
It would invite endless assaults on the controlled technologies list and make a mockery of efforts to enforce those limitations that remain.
Whatever its political origins, the transportation bill will either make a mockery of fiscal prudence or demand big cuts in other spending programmes.
An Iran that went nuclear despite repeated European overtures would make a mockery of European claims to be defter at diplomacy than heavy-handed America.
If she can arouse her sleepy Congress party she might make a mockery of the feel-good campaign and take the shine off the BJP's India.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | India's ruling party may rue poll slogan
Even as the tax-cut debate rages, Congress is busy writing laws that make a mockery of next year's spending projections as the Republicans very well know.
Mr Gore's lawyers filed an emergency appeal to reverse the board's decision (which seemed to make a mockery of the ruling by their state's Supreme Court).
Mr Davis will not want to make a mockery of this comparison by using money that could burnish his state's lustre merely to featherbed special interests instead.
The ease with which illegal aliens can find jobs, and the negligible efforts the state makes to prosecute those who hire them, make a mockery of the law.
These were employed to such an extent as to both leave a sour taste despite what was undoubtedly a superb achievement, and to make a mockery of the sport.
If true, all this would make a mockery of the ABM Treaty, which explicitly forbids the U.S. and the Soviet Union (now Russia) from developing any national defense against ballistic missiles.
It would promote disrespect for the authority of the federal courts to turn a blind eye to actions that so willfully and blatantly attempted to make a mockery of this justice system.
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They also make a mockery of the premise that Abbas and Company are preferable to Hamas because, unlike the latter, they are truly willing to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors.
"Continued military protection for General Musharraf will make a mockery of claims that Pakistan's armed forces support the rule of law and bring the military further disrepute that it can ill afford, " Hasan said.
The real question now is not whether reform is necessary, but whether it can be combined with a multi-party system and universal franchise without simultaneously resorting to tactics which make a mockery of democratic principles.
"Such efforts, which would have the effect of enhancing Soviet energy leverage over the Baltics, make a mockery of Western claims to support those whose independence movements are being crushed by precisely this device, " Gaffney added.
Even leaving aside the perennial distraction of Myanmar, a repressive military dictatorship that Western allies find hard to sit down with, mutual mistrust and outright hostility between countries make a mockery of ASEAN's encomiums on unity.
ECONOMIST: Vague hopes of integration and messy bilateral squabbles
McCarthy makes a persuasive case for - in this "confrontation against barbarians who make a mockery of the civilizing impulses behind international law" - a new legal paradigm that balances national security interests with due process principles.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: International law v. the United States
We will all be more secure if the federal courts recognize what the Edwards prosecution is really about and dismiss it before allowing this circus to go to trial and make a mockery of our federal legal system.
But I would much prefer students going to college to learn and be prepared for the rigors of the new economic order, rather than dumping fees on them to subsidize football programs that, far from enhancing the academic mission instead make a mockery of it.
By the same token, Russia's evident interest in maintaining multiple-warhead land-based missiles threatens to make a mockery of the START II agreement -- whose principal selling point was that it would de-MIRV the former Soviet ICBM force -- while creating new, and strategically significant, cheating opportunities for future agreements ostensibly promising still lower levels of nuclear weaponry.
Lichtenstein was already a favorite target of mainstream media, which regularly made a mockery of him in order to preemptively discredit artwork that seemed to make fun of them.
FORBES: Why Roy Lichtenstein Was So Serious About The Comics
It has made a mockery of the idea of judicial independence, and managed to make China seem to have greater respect for legal process.
Such a sophisticated and lethal operation makes a mockery of the idea of "disengagement, " based upon the notion that good fences will make, if not good neighbors, at least ones with which Israel can live.