• The government does not want to make a present of accurate maps to its enemies.

    ECONOMIST: Earthquakes in India

  • The beef I have with them, and nearly every other luxury car maker, is that they ask us to make the purchase of one of their vehicles a Christmas present.

    FORBES: The Gift That Keeps On TAKING

  • "The whole thing has not only been a slap in the face of Arkansas women but a serious bruising for the state of Arkansas and any efforts it has tried to make to present itself as a progressive, forward-thinking state where people might want to live and work, " ACLU of Arkansas Executive Director Rita Sklar told the Arkansas Times.

    BBC: Arkansas approves strictest abortion ban in US

  • Perhaps the curators will, in time, be persuaded to make space for a fuller exploration of the present crisis by ditching some of the less scintillating exhibits, such as the cabinets full of tradable commodities.

    ECONOMIST: An enjoyable but incomplete look at Mammon's ups and downs

  • We are currently experimenting with various kinds of interfaces and visuals that could be used to help make better sense of all this dynamic content, filter it, categorize it, and present it in a multitude of ways.

    FORBES: From Inside Out, Speed Your Company's Social Transformation

  • Even if that is unfair, the present flurry of educational enthusiasm may not make a lasting difference.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • Each could descend into chaos, winding up with a fundamentalist version of Islamist rule that would make the present regimes look cuddly by comparison.

    ECONOMIST: Arab autocracy

  • After submitting a two-page summary, the 300 applicants that make the first cut are invited to Boston to present a 20-minute pitch in front of a panel of local angel investors, venture capitalists and CEOs.

    FORBES: MassChallenge: A Colossal Startup Accelerator That's 100% Free

  • He may be on the way out, but that doesn't make him wrong about the clear and present danger of an American president embarked on a path that insists on regarding economic policy as purely domestic policy, and it certainly doesn't mean that David Cameron would fare any better as the outside pressure continues to rise.

    ECONOMIST: Soldiers in harm's way

  • According to the tax code, at the time you make a no-interest term loan, you've made an immediate gift of the present value of the interest you'll forgo over the entire term.

    FORBES: Sue your sister!

  • What the present administration does with those policies is their call to make, and will become a measure of their own record.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • This is because the study predicts a massive rise in the size of the overall market, estimated at present to make up just one-tenth of those services that could be sent offshore.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • The present government has brought some of this unwanted attention on itself by pledging to make human rights a centrepiece of its foreign policy.

    ECONOMIST: Trials abroad

  • And then, when the Vice President is ready to present a series of recommendations to the President, the President will consider them and then make decisions about how to proceed.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • With that problem dealt with, proponents say that the main objections to having a unicameral Scottish parliament seem to be the sheer novelty of it and the argument that it will make the present House of Lords look even more obsolete than it does already.

    ECONOMIST: Scottish devolution

  • But despite all the inefficiencies of the samurai market, which make it a costly place to issue bonds, it is cheaper at present for them to borrow yen and swap the proceeds into dollars than to borrow dollars directly.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese bonds

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