More incredibly, he boasted that Uncle Sam would make a profit on the bailout of AIG .
Russian debt eventually bounced back enough for him to make a profit on the position.
"They are guaranteed to make a profit on the cost overruns, " Dooley said.
Microsoft hopes to make a profit on its Xbox in this financial year.
These small operators combine a lean operating ethic and a toolset designed to make a profit on that last bit of juice.
The only way Louisiana's local sheriffs and private-prison operators can make a profit on the per-diem payment is to skimp on costs.
Still, I wonder if being the fare-setter is the difference that allows Continental to make a profit on fare protection when Farecast apparently could not.
Banks even take consumers' deposits and make a profit on them.
After failing to make a profit on most of its titles, some of which sold fewer than 100 copies, co-founder Peter Collingridge quit the app business.
But property developer Michael Hammill said the proposed additional 5% cut in affordable housing targets was not enough allow him to make a profit on developments.
For example, I find many entrepreneurs are certain they can make a profit on a 20% margin, even though most of their competitors target 60% margins, or even higher.
Increased activity was helped by a combination of low mortgage rates and rising prices, encouraging builders to believe they can make a profit on sales, demand for new homes and jobs growth.
In fact, Google doesn't even have to make a profit on the Nexus One -- all the company has to do to is get people to be on the Internet more, Parr said.
Thus if they run the car for a few months, or up to the 10, 000 mile sort of level, they can and do make a profit on the disposal into the second hand car market.
It seems the European Central Bank has bowed to the reality that it could not expect to make a profit on the Greek bonds it has been buying at knock-down prices, while private sector bondholders were being asked to take such a big hit.
Even the low bids, though, would have allowed Ed to make a nice profit on the deal.
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The supplier companies plan to make a small profit on the machines.
"Not only are their smartphone sales growing, they have also learned how to make a good profit on those sales, " James Rooney, chairman of Market Force Company, an advisory firm based in Seoul, told the BBC.
To put it another way, a tiny difference in the Libor or Euribor rate could determine whether a bank like Barclays - and other banks - would make a profit or a loss on huge derivatives deals.
Despite the price cut, it looks like Duff will make a little bit of a profit on the home, even though median Toluca Lake home values are dropping 5.4 percent year-over-year.
But the Obama administration would like it sooner, certainly before the 2012 elections so it could declare it made a profit on the AIG bailout or at a minimum it will make a profit when all the shares are sold in the biggest bailout in American history.
Schwartz, senior product manager at Gateway, says manufacturers lose money on the low-end machines but can make a gross profit of 20% to 30% on the fancy ones.
Camelot, which runs the National Lottery under licence, is allowed to make a 0.5% profit on each ticket sold.
The proposed subsidies, he added, were an acknowledgement of the fact that businesses expected to make a profit and would not take on new staff "for nothing".
"Expanding the hours gives investors more time to make a profit, " the exchange said on its website.
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"He may only be playing with the license, hoping to make a quick profit by selling it later on, but his timing is right, " says an industry insider.
By the end of year, a majority of internet providers were holding firm on prices, looking now to make a profit from the technology.
The goal is to make it easy to buy the phone then make the money back and a profit over time on service contracts.
They need only be concerned with whether they can be make a profit in one direction or the other on a news item or event, be it an earnings report, an economic report, or just the remarks of a prominent person in an interview or speech.
Under the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme, branded-drug companies are allowed to make a profit of up to 21 per cent on any medicines they sell to the NHS. They have a free hand to set the prices when they are introduced but, every five years, the government and the companies agree an across-the-board cut on all drugs.