Mr Bouchard saw an article on a pair of reunited identical twins, and decided to make a study of them.
Politics and logistics make a comprehensive study of Himalayan glaciers difficult, but if those individual glaciers which have been studied recently are representative, then the glaciers are retreating.
Muto's proximity allowed him to make a detailed character study of O'Reilly.
The report was commissioned by ICSU's General Assembly in September 1999 to make a 'critical study' of the paragraphs in the Declaration and Science Agenda referring to traditional knowledge systems.
The CEO hoped that this new information could be used to make slight changes in a study of Affinitak currently being conducted with Eli Lilly (nyse: LLY - news - people ).
Make the study of analytics a key discipline, and get us to understanding it is not just precision of data but confidence in the information that we need.
The Corporate Executive Board undertook a substantial study on how people make decisions using a whopping sample of 7, 000 consumers and corporate buyers.
Oddly enough, it turns out that a solar storm can make your toilet stop working, according a study by the National Academy of Sciences in 2002.
However, authors of the study indicate that a double mastectomy may make sense for women with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, or for women who've tested positive for genetic mutations in the BRCA genes.
Yet the benefits of improving data to make it more effective can be staggering, according to a new study from the University of Texas, Austin, and the Indian School of Business.
FORBES: Does Better Data Lead To Better Corporate Performance?
Rather than a history of inventions, Mr Rosen's book is a study of invention itself, the process of tinkering with an existing mechanism to make it better.
It is well beyond the scope of their study to make such a claim.
FORBES: News Alert To Climate Alarmists: Most Arctic Species Will Benefit From Global Warming
It will still need, though, the support of other specialist observatories, operating at a range of different wavelengths, to study these far-distant locations in detail and make sense of them.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Telescope looks to go to the edge
Pal Suren, the lead author of the Norwegian study, says that no adjustments for parental age or other factors seemed to make a big difference in the size of the effect.
FORBES: More Prenatal Vitamins Could Mean Less Autism, Study Says
To really make an evolutionary argument, you need to study a much wider variety of animals.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Why Are Our Kids Useless? Because We're Smart
Because of the internal travel restrictions, people who want to move from one Palestinian city to another for work or study must register a change of address to make sure they can stay there.
Barry Sindall, chief executive of the Grammar School Heads Association, quoted from a 2008 Sutton Trust study which suggested that the social make-up of grammar schools was often more diverse than that of the top 100 comprehensives where entrance is decided on proximity to the school, pushing up house prices and excluding poorer families.
As a result, like the physicians in my study, we make dozens of small, subtle and almost invisible choices about how to spend our time.
Most goods are aimed at evangelicals, who make up the bulk of the big-spending consumers, according to a recent study by Baylor University in Texas.
Considering many of the public personalities we venerate, these findings make a lot of sense, though I would like to see a follow on study that examines observer perceptions when the rude rule breakers are caught.
An examination of British federalisation would make an interesting subject of study, as would an analysis of the role of a dismembered Britain in world affairs.
Wally Covington, a forest ecologist at Northern Arizona University, says it's crucial not to make too much of the Biscuit findings, in part because this study only covers a few years.
At the age of 55 the trim Nebraska native has veered sharply from the practice of medicine to study how to make health care work better as a business.
The government has already said it intends to make maths study compulsory to the age of 18 for students who have not achieved a grade C or above at GCSE.
In the wake of Merck's move to pull stroke-inducing Vioxx, Pfizer has launched a study of its Celebrex and other drugs in the same family to make sure they're safe.
And a study by Durham University does cast doubt on whether the pupil premium will make the kind of difference the Lib Dems are hoping for.
BBC: Pupil Premium's first year: Grade A or could do better?
Now, regarding how much ethanol we can produce, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted a well known study of how much ethanol the U.S. could make (including cellulosic sources).
The study also found that 60% of respondents reported a high likelihood to make a purchase based on an in-person interaction and that 67% of offline conversations are mostly positive.
FORBES: Why Digital Still Can't Beat Word Of Mouth In Sharing Brand Messages
"When people overtly lie about something, they can take something innocuous and make it into a bigger problem, " says John Caughlin, the study's lead researcher and professor of communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
WSJ: Lying to a Spouse: Relationship Advice on How It Can Be Healthy
But there's a good reason not to make that move, according to Pete Sikora, one of the Consumers Union study authors.