If the Church in Wales decides that it wants to hold gay weddings, its governing body can ask the Lord Chancellor to make an order to enable it to do so (a shorthand way of changing the law).
"It is open to the individual state, to make statutory provision for the imposition of a whole life minimum term, and in an appropriate case, as a matter of judicial discretion, for the court to make such an order, " he said.
"Mr Justice Gerard Hogan said he had no jurisdiction to make such an order because the Arhaus Convention has yet to be put into Irish law" said Green Party Environment spokesperson, Cllr Malcolm Noonan.
Finally, make it easy to place an order and make it easy for repeat customers.
Customers must make an appointment in order to view frames, since the area is small, but that worked to my advantage: A friendly salesgirl met me at the elevator when I arrived and tended to me quite cleverly while I tried on several pairs.
"It was important to make an early decision in order to give parents a chance to plan alternative arrangements and avoid children turning up at school on Tuesday morning to find it closed, " the statement said.
The most recent incident, an overheated battery prompting an All Nippon Airways (ANL) airliner to make an emergency landing, has resulted in an order by the Federal Aviation Administration to temporarily ground all domestic 787s.
FORBES: Boeing's 787 Dreamliner Public Relations Nightmare: A Battery Of Problems
Or, conversely, will they feel that they have to go visually nuts in order to make an impression?
People in Scotland need accurate information in order to make an informed decision about the critical question of the future of the UK and Scotland's place within it when they come to vote in the referendum in 2014.
In creating the three cassocks, which were delivered to the Vatican Thursday, Mr. Gammarelli said his staff had to consider the entire field of 115 cardinal electors in order to make an "educated decision" about exactly how big to make the vestments.
WSJ: March Madness, Vatican Style: Who'll Come Out of the Sweet Sistine?
When an investor buys or sells a stock, that order may never make it to an exchange.
That's not the same thing as an actual order to make it stop.
It doesn't make clear that including documents like an order of protection or explanatory letter may prevent an IRS rejection.
Ask employees to help in order to make this an exhaustive list.
The former chairman of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe believes that President Barack Obama could use an executive order to make the site a national monument.
He's just hired an assistant to try to make some order out of the skeletons in his mammoth closet.
Rajaratnam, like all investors, seeks an information edge in order to make money for his clients.
Furthermore, Bush said he was signing an executive order Tuesday that would make modernizing the aviation system a "priority" for federal agencies.
Health-care costs ultimately arise from the accumulation of individual decisions doctors make about which services and treatments to write an order for.
Soin had proposed that if police receive a complaint involving family violence, they could make an arrest without a warrant or a court order.
Internal Revenue Service rules required the committee to make an assessment of each victim's needs in order for payments to be exempt from federal gift taxes.
WSJ: After Tragedy, City Suffers Second Trauma Over Victims' Fund
Laying there in a sweat, late at night, we no longer have to dream up some new invention of an idea in order to start our businesses or make it big.
Suggestions from Mr Trimble that his Ulster Unionist Party might weaken its ties with the hardline Protestant Orange Order have been seen as an attempt to make it easier for him to reach some new compromise.
But though he is tainted with the Grasso scandal and is the subject of litigation himself, Langone is getting at least an ear the firms that make up much of the daily order flow at the exchange.
And I very much appreciate the fact that he supports an effort that all of us should support in order to make America more safe.
How much pressure offshore centres face in the coming months will depend upon how deep an intrusion into individuals' financial privacy policymakers are prepared to make in order to clamp down on the nefarious uses of financial institutions.
ECONOMIST: A worldwide attempt to stop finance for terrorists
Forbes.com asked four oncologists what an acceptable number of fatalities would be, in order to make it easier to judge the safety results when they are presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in May.
In order to have a completed contract, one party has to make an offer, the other has to accept (on the same terms proposed by the offer) and there must be consideration (the money actually changing hands would have been consideration).
FORBES: Why Is Cam Newton Not Guilty Of SEC Bylaws Violation?
In fact, compare the fine Michael Dell received to the income he earned based on stock options gains, and it would seem there is actually an upside for a CEO to play earnings games in order to make their businesses look good to Wall Street.
Block booking is an illegal tactic in which studios force theaters to make room for weak movies in order to obtain the rights to show potential blockbusters.