During the period Masuoka was with Toshiba, the NAND flash memory business did not make big money.
The Chinese market is large enough that films made there don't need Western appeal to make big money.
WSJ: Hollywood's New Kick: Why Everybody Is Kung Fu Fighting
Companies like Red Hat make big money dishing up Linux to major corporations.
Special Offer: You can make big money taking calculated risks in defaulted debt, but getting good information in workouts is tough.
FORBES: Even If A Bond Doesn't Default, You Can Still Lose Your Money
Buy the right ones at the right time and make big money.
FORBES: Banner Week For Junior Gold Miners And Regional Banks, Bad One For Biotech ETFs
Companies like Red Hat (nasdaq: RHT - news - people ) make big money dishing up Linux to major corporations.
Working for the legendary Cy Leeser at LeeWell Capital seemed like a strong second act, an opportunity to make big money and regain industry stature.
FORBES: Cusack Capital CEO's Second Act Disaster (Onboarding Done Wrong)
When it comes to sticking it to the other guy in order to make big money for their side of the bargaining table, these people clearly have no equals.
If you think a generic drugmaker supplying the government with more than a billion antibiotic pills to safeguard against anthrax outbreaks would be a sure way to make big money on the deal, you're probably wrong.
Distinguishing between those and the 20% that make really big money takes time.
Rather, these folks make their big money upfront and are often promised cuts of a film's gross as well.
If my erstwhile acquaintance and his ex-editor advisor want to make big fast money, maybe they should be investing in a law firm specializing in the Net.
It's his job to make great gadgets for his customers and make big heaps of money for his investors.
Reuters' most direct foe is Bloomberg, the remarkable American upstart that found ways to make users pay big money for screens of type and charts.
Sometimes they involve companies with big and diverse operations that make money and that, without some fancy footwork, would pay big taxes.
FORBES: Dow Chemical's $1 Billion Tax Shelter Stinks, Says Court
The majority of self-publishing books also make big promises to the reader of how much money they can make writing on their own, but this book tells the truth.
FORBES: Resolving To Write A Book in 2013 With Guy Kawasaki's Help
There are a lot of reasons this can happen: For instance, the big oil companies make money from refining and distributing as well as producing, and the investors in these stocks tend to push their price around in correlation with the aggregate stock market.
They have also allowed investors to make big bets, despite putting little money down.
As for those plans to raise more money and make a big acquisition?
They make big plans, spend too much money, take ridiculous risks and engage in high-risk activities with little sense of the dangers involved.
Everything is now being saved and correlated, and many big-data companies make money by building up intimate profiles of our lives from a variety of sources.
It may not seem like a lot of money to some people, but for the people who wrote to us today, that money can make a big difference.
Not everybody tries to sell you annuities on which they make far more money on a big commission taken upfront than you are likely to see over the life of the annuity.
FORBES: I Knew Rajaratnam Was A Crook After He Tried To Sell Me Insider Info
Those controlling the new money medium stand to make big bucks charging people to shop online.
The Big Four global accounting firms make money whether clients survive and thrive or flail and fail.
Most big media companies make most of their money from delivering moving pictures.
To this end, most big tech companies make some of their money from licensing their intellectual property to rivals.