"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!"
If you have the time and inclination, create a traditionally produced and edited video on a subject matter of importance to you and make it look as if it could be on the evening network news or even 60 Minutes.
One such was the hurried build-up, made even more hurried by Tony Blair's desire, until as late as possible, to make it look as if peace might still break out.
He admitted to Ms. Winfrey that the prescription for the cream was written after the positive test and backdated by a doctor to make it appear as if he had already been taking it.
New developments make it look as if this trend is with us to stay.
To the contemporary eye, that may make it sound as if horse meat is healthier than beef.
FORBES: Over Public Outcry, Governor Signs Horse Slaughter Bill
" Vyarawalla often photographed Gandhi from below "to make it look as if we are looking up to him.
Then he was often filmed against footage shot from airplanes to make it appear as if he was airborne.
This may make it sound as if all is well in trans-Atlantic finance.
FORBES: Too Big To Fail Makes A 'Fine' Mess For British Banks
Political handicappers make it sound as if demography is destiny when it comes to which policies and candidates people support.
FORBES: Demography Isn't Destiny When Voters Are Economically Informed
But his rapid acquisition strategy and constant restructuring make it look as if he's more interested in doing deals than in running a business.
They can use dummy bids and offers to make it seem as if there is more interest in a contract than there truly is.
In that detail the Conservatives see "tiresome, repetitive" statistics stuck in one place to "make it look as if a lot of activity is going on".
Peter Wright QC then accused him of laying a false trail by staging the murders to make it look as if his father had shot his mother before killing himself.
BBC: Murder accused Stephen Seddon was 'on Manchester drug run'
The technology can make it sound as if a bird is flying around your head in a full circle, not just passing from one side of a room to the other.
Did someone teach them, or were they born with the talent to glad-hand and make it look as if they cared more about you than they did about getting your business?
FORBES: Social Media Still a Poor Substitute for True Business Networking
Instead of sharing this evidence supporting Stevens's defense, prosecutors selectively quoted the foreman to make it appear as if he had said the opposite, and they used his comments to falsely attack Stevens.
So critics of this agreement, like Congressman Delahunt, believe that White House and Pentagon lawyers will carefully construct the language of the agreement to make it appear as if it's not a treaty.
What is sinister, if true, was the recorded phone call of Raj with Galleon personnel to create an email to make it look as if there was a legitimate business dealing when instead a trade had been made based on a quick phone call from an insider.
To conceal its relationship with Transworld--and avoid running afoul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act--Lockheed, according to Semtek's allegations, created a series of phony contracts and other business agreements with Millman's company to make it appear as if Transworld was nothing more than a vendor to Lockheed.
The signpost, just a few years old, was chipped at the edges to make it look as if it was something Davy Crockett may have used, and the names carved upon it encapsulated the heroic human endeavour necessary to chart the world before satellites made this task obsolete.
BBC: Why modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world
The above description of the process of creating a catastrophic risk model and applying its projections may make it seem as if insurance companies have the ability to predict and plan for all uncertainty, but the truth is that catastrophic risk modeling only helps to a certain degree.
It needs to make savings as early as next year if it is to carry out its promised tax cuts of euro3 billion without breaking the deficit limit decreed by the euro zone's stability and growth pact.
They wear all white (crisp white oxford shirt, pants, apron, sneakers) and try to make you feel as if it were a special night out.
He tried several times to make growth appear as if it was in line with his 4 percent forecast earlier in the year, citing 2.5 percent growth in agribusiness GDP, up 10 percent annualized and 1.1 percent industrial sector growth, up 4.4 percent.
Plus, even if Facebook does make its own phone, it's not as if the company can ignore other platforms.
And since half of entering college freshmen never graduate, make it clear as well what you expect if your child leaves school with debt, but no degree.
Snapping in a new card will make your phone act as if it's a local phone, complete with a local phone number and local rates.
Engineers could control which bits of the eyes were illuminated in a specific colour, to make the toy appear as if it was rolling its eyeballs, blinking, or showing two small throbbing hearts.
It sounds less virtuous if you see it as an attempt to make sure this argument runs into election year, and indeed the campaign is prosecuted with a rerun of this row in the background.