The song of the year, "Not Ready to Make Nice, " was the Texas trio's unapologetic response.
Thus, he, too, is at a crossroads: Will he make nice with the government and accept the election results?
Since the best Indian food is still found at home, here's one final tip: Make nice with your Indian friends.
"I think we just make nice gentle jokes about not being able to see properly, " said Specsavers' marketing director Richard Holmes.
Developers and Gamestop have tried to make nice in recent years, which is why preorder bonuses now come attached to every new game out there.
We are hard wired to make nice, not make people uncomfortable.
Those special advisers must get along with the new foreign minister, Nobutaka Machimura, who may not be content just to run the bureaucracy and make nice speeches.
Instead I can watch him make nice to the business community, promising to decrease regulations and hug our lobbyists while I just focus on selling more product.
FORBES: Sarah Palin's Kind Of Hot, But Obama Will Make Me Money in 2011
If we learned one thing from the 2007-2008 market collapse, it is that investors who keep a cool head and are opportunistic in their purchases can make nice tidy profits as stocks recover.
Le's just hope Universal and Apple make nice sooner rather than later, because the absence of a major label from iTunes certainly isn't gonna do anything to turn us into a nation of taggers.
It would appear that in the wake of a Democratic landslide in the House, the White House is looking to make nice with Pelosi and her counterparts after tussling with them on a variety of issues for six years.
Another corollary effect to the conflict that I do not think has ever been discussed before: the analysts evaluating these managers for you are aware that if they make nice with the managers they are supposed to be evaluating for you, they may end up being good enough to work for the investment guys.
FORBES: Investors Are Wise To Advisor Conflicts And Lack Of Objectivity
As a nice byproduct, we make a nice living comparable to my sub-specialist friends.
FORBES: Chicago Teacher's Strike: Where Rahm Emanuel and Unions Can Find Common Ground
Tesac and Sainsbury, the two largest U.K. food retailers, would make a nice fit with Ahold.
Biking trails, wellkept lakes and other public amenities make life nice for its middle class.
With auto labor negotations a few months away, it's suddenly make-nice-with-the-union time in Detroit.
They make a nice couple, but don't get your hopes up for a "Thin Man"-like series.
You make a nice salary, and you have a six- or seven-figure net worth.
That would leave more time for actual education, which would make a nice change.
The Educational Testing Service (the SAT outfit) could make a nice business of this.
Even the low bids, though, would have allowed Ed to make a nice profit on the deal.
FORBES: Google Glass Bid Up To $95,300 On eBay Before Seller Realized He Isn't Allowed To Sell Them
YaYa might make a nice little trinket for, say, videogame maker Electronic Arts or an onliner such as Yahoo.
Eventually it will make a nice asset for a sovereign-wealth fund or Middle East nation worried about its food supply.
Class instructors and race organizers are encouraging this development, of course, since they can make a nice premium from corporate signups.
If all works out as expected, you can get a GPS device for Christmas and make a nice profit in the stock.
Aside from the DSLR and lenses combo, today's selections would make for nice additions to any over-sized, fur-lined sock in a few short weeks.
ENGADGET: Slickdeals' best in tech for December 3rd: DSLR kit, in-ear headphones and storage options
But feijoada is a forgiving dish that inspires your own invention: smoked pork chops, corned beef and any smoked sausage will make a nice substitute.
It would make a nice present for a friend in a distant country who knows little about Hong Kong and whose regular reading includes society magazines.