They solicit feedback from buyers and make notes of their comments, reactions and questions.
Make notes on your print-out about tone, inflection or emphasis if you need to.
You then add connections, make notes and split out smaller things that need to be done.
Inside the offices, workers make notes on electronic tablets which recognize their handwriting as well as anything typed.
Crowther cautions you to leave unembossed white space on your card, so that recipients will have a place to make notes.
The inspector should look around, make notes and provide you with a detailed report as well as some feedback on future maintenance.
On the Extras, accessible via the settings, you'll find some games (chess and sudoku) and a sketchpad that lets you use the touchscreen to make notes and draw pictures with your finger.
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In another demo, Apple's Roger Rosner showed off textbooks for the iPad that allow students to zoom in on pictures of cells, dissect digital frogs and make notes and highlights on the e-book pages.
Once loaded with text, both the SoftBook and the Rocket EBook act as single-screen tablets that let you use simple buttons and a stylus to select titles, "turn" pages, search and highlight text, and make notes.
The tasters keep coming, and as I make more notes, so he pours more beers.
What's more, customers can capture and crop images, and paste them onto the other screen to make personal notes.
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It's great for taking notes in meetings and also lets you embed voice recordings, pictures, Web pages and pretty much anything you want to make your notes more complete.
Because it is one page, you should never have to touch your notes. (Make sure your notes are typed in a font large enough for you to see without having to hold them close to your eyes) As mentioned above, if you are manually hitting your keyboard, the best place for your notes is on the left side of your keyboard.
"There are some things that the bank might be able to do automatically, where the bank itself has applied charges to your account but there's so much other stuff - the way in which it impacted on our real life - that unless you make some notes and write it down and actually claim, no-one else is going to know about it", Mr Cresswell explained.
That led to organized outrage from bloggers who, it turns out, are consultants who make money installing Notes.
These simple notes make yet another emotional connection with Zappos customers.
Groups like Echo Taps strive to remind us, and make sure the notes of freedom are played, heard and echoed from generation to generation, they way my grandfather and father taught me.
Another faux pas many unemployed job hunters make: Sending introductory notes that overextend gratitude, says Ms. Shapiro.
My husband often laughs at the notes I make reminding myself of tasks I need to do.
China Railway pledges to assist Crystallex to retire some notes and make a small equity investment in Crystallex.
It's meant to work closely with a special app called S Memo that allows you to take notes or make sketches.
WSJ: Personal Technology: A Mobile Device That's Better for a Jotter Than a Talker
"From a very high-level public policy perspective, Congress and the FCC want to see a couple of new players make it, " notes Ellison.
Still, sources tell CNN that very high-level meetings have been underway all day involving top White House officials and attorneys trying to decide whether to make the lawyers' notes public.
It makes perfect sense that as one becomes older, that it would become more of an effort to make sure that those notes are absolutely where they are supposed to be.
"Tighter credit will eliminate the shakiest loans, but will shut off many credit-impaired borrowers who truly could make the payments, " notes Retsinas.
These people, she notes, often make incorrect sweeping statements about copreneurial ventures.
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Once that's done, you can aggregate all your notes together and make flashcards, even have definitions on one side and key terms on the other.
"Every proposal needs some action to make it happen, " notes Arbogast.
He notes that services make up well over half of economic activity in most rich countries, but there are no common standards for measuring their inventiveness.