Make notes on your print-out about tone, inflection or emphasis if you need to.
Inside the offices, workers make notes on electronic tablets which recognize their handwriting as well as anything typed.
In another demo, Apple's Roger Rosner showed off textbooks for the iPad that allow students to zoom in on pictures of cells, dissect digital frogs and make notes and highlights on the e-book pages.
Nor could it make the most recent payments due on its Caltius notes.
Once that's done, you can aggregate all your notes together and make flashcards, even have definitions on one side and key terms on the other.
Word mobile, PowerPoint mobile, Excel mobile to manage documents, and OneNote mobile to capture notes, ideas, pictures and voice memos make working on the go easier.
ENGADGET: Nokia Lumia 610 headed to the (Pacific) 'Ring of Fire' in coming months for ��189
There's 4GB of on-board storage (with a microSD slot to increase that) and WiFi, which Sony plans to use for sharing notes with those who didn't make it to class on time.
"There are some things that the bank might be able to do automatically, where the bank itself has applied charges to your account but there's so much other stuff - the way in which it impacted on our real life - that unless you make some notes and write it down and actually claim, no-one else is going to know about it", Mr Cresswell explained.
The inspector should look around, make notes and provide you with a detailed report as well as some feedback on future maintenance.
Helm notes that Microsoft likely will focus on big acquisitions right now and make acquisitions of small, Web 2.0-type companies secondary.
Crowther cautions you to leave unembossed white space on your card, so that recipients will have a place to make notes.
So, on average, the Fed is going to make profits even without the assets backing currency notes.
Students can easily take notes in class, children can play games, artists and designers can make sketches or draw directly on their computer screens and the corporate user can answer emails or work on a spreadsheet as they move between meetings.
ENGADGET: N-trig's Digital Pencil plays pen and fingertip roles, claims mastery of both
And Karen will be taking copious notes, and she is somebody who I know is going to execute on any ideas that make sense.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Small Business Is ��Backbone of America��
Because I would sit with my dad when he would practice for hours and he would show me what every note meant, and he'd put a metronome on and he'd make me keep time with the metronome and he'd play notes and have me sing them back.