Eye-catching decor, a unique menu, custom entertainment, wearable favors and fun invitations can make your party stand out from the standard last NFL season hurrah, Pino said.
Observers say Mr Jospin has made no attempt to make political capital out of the RPR's party funding embarrassments, because investigators believe his Socialist Party also acquired funds illicitly.
Erick Erickson, who is spearheading the project, said that once the Republican party leadership contest was out of the way, the party needs to get behind the proposal and make the internet a top priority.
In an advance copy of a speech he plans to give Monday morning responding to the report, RNC chairman Reince Priebus lays out a number of the steps the party plans to make swiftly to begin to regroup.
Most presidents make up for wavering support from their own side by reaching out to moderates from the other party.
ECONOMIST: Hardly a triumph. But don't count George Bush out just yet
Paul, 50, has crafted a more aggressive schedule reaching out to Republicans in early voting states to make the case that he can unite the party and broaden its appeal.
Party leaders said an SNP government would carry out a review of the tax system to make it simpler and more honest.
General elections are due by early next year, with the Pakistan People's Party-led government aiming to make history by becoming Pakistan's first civilian government to see out a full five-year term.
BBC: Pakistan judges give PM two more weeks to pursue Zardari
It is no wonder that BP are acting out this exercise in a public way as US lawmakers threatened to block any application BP would make to be party to drilling and exploration activity involving new US offshore leases because of its past safety record.
The Romney camp reached out to Stuart White (who threw the party where Mitt and Ann Romney met) asking him to make supportive remarks.
Newt Gingrich, the Republican former House speaker and 2012 presidential contender, says his party faces a big "institutional challenge" in figuring out how to connect with minority voters who make up an ever-bigger part of the electorate and the country's social fabric.