Some folks in KC knock it for being too highbrow, though there are still no tablecloths and it is not especially expensive, but sometimes t is nice to make reservation rather than wait (sometimes hours) on a long line.
Did you make the reservation, or did someone make it for you?
"Let's say some executive has his assistant make a reservation at Park Avenue Winter, " the manager said.
Make a reservation for simple entrance tickets ahead of time to enter directly.
Vlassopulos: La Quinta has an app that allows you to make a reservation with just your phone number (without filling out a bunch of information).
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Make a reservation and the Ma(i)sonry team will set you up under the olive trees out back with wines made by artisan-luminaries like Thomas Rivers Brown, perhaps, or Heidi Barrett or Tor Kenward.
The day after Noma won the title of world's best restaurant in 2010, 100, 000 people attempted to make a table reservation.
Authentication management is a hassle, with complexities that don't immediately come to the forethought when somebody signs up for Evernote, or takes Outlook email for a spin, or impulsively signs up with OpenTable to make a dinner reservation.
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That means there are many more things that can be done with Web sites, beyond the more simpler things now where you can click to buy a book or click to make a hotel reservation -- many, many more things will be done when you always have the Web with you.
Frankly, I believe that my readers are too intelligent for me to have to repeatedly make that allowance or reservation.
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The perks it offers diners comes in the form of dining points that diners accrue with each honored reservation they make on OpenTable.
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Hierarchies make sure nobody runs off the reservation spending money on crazy, new ideas.
And so with some reservation, Mayer presses the button to make his project live.
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Growing up on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Yellowtail's aunties taught her how to bead and make shawls in the tradition of her people, the Crow and Cheyenne who share the vast tribal territory.
The passengers attempted to make their trip via boat, but a water taxi operator refused to take them to the reservation because they had alcohol in their baggage.
First, make sure the company you are working with is not operating outside the U.S. or on an Indian Reservation, as these companies are not subject to U.S. law and the Truth in Lending Act.