It's also going to make sure that you're not paying as much for gas.
I'm going to make sure that you get the care you deserve when you come home.
WHITEHOUSE: The President delivers Remarks at Independence Day Celebration | The White House
If you do fire someone make sure that you debrief your team and communicate the situation.
Regardless, ask questions, demand answers, and make sure that you understand the conflicts and your exposure.
And make sure that you can afford it: law school is significantly more expensive than college.
You need to make sure that you treat cybersecurity the same within your organization.
FORBES: Obama's Cybersecurity Executive Order: Heart In The Right Place But There Is Little Teeth
And I would point to those fundamentals to make sure that you understand they include policy.
So you've got to make sure that you look carefully at what privatization proposals are out there.
And make sure that you truly want this design on your body for the rest of your life.
That's cool, we still here to make sure that you get the very best picture quality on your HDTV.
You're scrimping and scratching to make sure that you can pay tuition here.
You have to have enough National Insurance contributions, or credits to make sure that you'll get the full pension.
First and foremost, I need you to go to to make sure that you are registered to vote.
Just make sure that you stop after each sentence, because otherwise she will forget what you had to say.
Make sure that you are saving enough in retirement and supplemental retirement accounts.
FORBES: What Is The Present Value Of Your Social Security Benefits?
And if your feet smell, put those shoes right back on to make sure that you contain the stink.
If you must use Java, make sure that you have downloaded the latest updates, which include key security patches.
But more importantly, make sure that you and they are registered to vote.
Make sure that you know that here in Wisconsin, you can vote early.
To avoid the statute of intestacy, you need to make sure that you leave a legally-effective will at your death.
In addition, make sure that you drink plenty of water, as being even 1 percent dehydrated can drop metabolism significantly.
Make sure that you can secure some exclusivity on large brands manufacturers and solidify such exclusive advantage through Amazon storefront.
The skin contracts, so you have to flex the fingers every day make sure that you have full movement and everything.
Build their job around the lifestyle they desire, and make sure that you address happiness levels frequently within your current team.
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However, make sure that you are set up to provide: employment stability, competitive benefits, an enjoyable working environment and career potential.
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Make sure that you spend plenty of time with the agency before you hire them, and that you actually like them.
And make sure that you walk all the way to the fourth court, with its richly decorated buildings surrounding a serenely beautiful reflective pool.
Additionally, make sure that you identify the areas for improvement where your input can make an immediate difference in their performance.
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But we are also going to be pushing hard to make sure that you are not engaging in gaming the system.