• Despite all the headlines about their impact on the upcoming midterms, I have a theory that out in the political heartland, the trashing by the Tea Partiers may be preparing the battlefield for a much more profound second wave of disaffected, independent voters, who could make the Tea Party look like, well, a tea party.


  • This could make the monetary tea leaves tougher to read.

    ECONOMIST: The ECB heads for turbulence

  • "I went down to the galley to make a cup of tea for the others on the watch and returned at about 14:00 while I was waiting for the water to boil, " Mr Purcell explained.

    BBC: Sheffield & South Yorkshire

  • At the end of the lane, a right turn will bring you to the low entrance of a place where you can learn to make green tea, and to the Edo-period cottage built by a poet in memory of the haiku master Basho, who cherished the area because his teacher once lived here.

    BBC: The walk that made me love Japan

  • Once again she returns to the kitchen to make her cup of tea and realizes she never turned the stove on to boil the water in the tea kettle, so she turns the dial and adjusts the flame, grabs an apple and a stack of mail that needs attention and heads back into her office and back to me.

    FORBES: 4 Productivity Strategies for Working With "Disorganized" Brilliant People

  • In those states, says Hurd, Outback would have had a tougher time firing the waitress who wore the Tea Party bracelet if she could make a case that her political views were the reason for her dismissal.

    FORBES: Talking Politics At Work Can Get You Fired

  • Demands of orthodoxy from the Tea Party base make it very difficult for Republican Presidential candidates to backtrack toward the middle.

    FORBES: The 'Lesser of Two Evils' Strategy

  • Of the six core agenda items of the Tea Party, the American people agree with the Tea Party on five of them and have yet to make up their minds on the sixth.

    FORBES: Tea Party Agenda No. 6: Repeal ObamaCare

  • My hosts at Majdac farm show me a list of a dozen different plants - including balm mint, dandelion, dog rose, thyme, nettles and two types of violet - that make the delicious tisane that is offered instead of tea.

    BBC: Snowbound Slovenia

  • "That and the fact we just make a good pot of tea, " she said.

    BBC: Tea room top of the pots

  • "I got the idea for how to make the stuff by watching a large pot of macha tea being stirred at a temple in Kyoto, " he says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But, if hunger kicks in while drinking mate, baked goods make a far better pairing with the strong flavour of the tea.

    BBC: Drinking mate in Buenos Aires

  • While it may not play well with the GOP base and Tea Party members committed to ending federal government regulations even when they make sense the new EPA rules are the result of a peer-reviewed study that has taken twenty years to complete.

    FORBES: The Hypocrisy And Stupidity Of The GOP's Hatred Of The EPA

  • Tea Party groups are determined to make returning to the gold standard a litmus test for GOP presidential candidates.

    FORBES: The Gold Standard: A Litmus Test For GOP Candidates

  • With his national following among evangelicals, social conservatives and the Tea Party, DeMint has the ability to make Heritage a much more effective political vehicle.

    FORBES: Walking The Tightrope At The Heritage Foundation: Will Jim DeMint Destroy The GOP Or Save It?

  • Every two years we hold elections so that sane Americans can make a judgment on the policies of President Obama, John Boehner, tea party candidates and so on.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Murder in Tuscon

  • If you want to make a stay of it, the hotel is offering a family package that includes the tea, plus activities for kids and a special turndown service complete with bunny chocolates, cookies and vanilla milk.

    FORBES: Three Kid-Friendly Hotel Teas For Easter

  • And then the same journalists who were writing up "How could this man even make a cup of tea" who was writing two weeks before that he's okay.

    BBC: Jack Straw MP. photo courtesy Jeff Overs

  • So, what should we make of a poll that says only 2% of self-identified "tea partiers" know the Obama administration cut taxes for most Americans in the current year?

    FORBES: Commentary

  • "There is a huge body of scientific evidence showing that tea can make a significant contribution to a healthy lifestyle, and in particular, in the areas of cardiovascular health and dental hygiene".

    BBC: Tea helps fight off infections

  • The mother cried when she saw Father, then was ordered by her husband to go and make tea.

    NEWYORKER: Naima

  • Forster, the young Graham Greene and countless others would make the long ascent to her flat, read stories and poems, and exchange compliments and insults over strong tea and halfpenny buns.

    ECONOMIST: She was as highly regarded as W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot

  • Now, the newly elected Tea Party Congressional members must decide if they will work with the current party leadership, or make life impossible for them and risk driving independents back to the Democrats.

    FORBES: Tea Party Shows Power, But Lacks Finesse

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