The fact that it's such a good deal for the Europeans and that Russia is increasingly assertive, may make this the moment of maximum leverage.
Leaders throughout North Africa and the Middle East must honor the role women played in freeing their countries: All their citizens -- including women -- have important contributions to make at this historic moment.
The US president has gone to Kansas to make a big economic speech, saying this is a make or break moment for the American middle class and that the ongoing debate about tax is "the defining issue of our time".
Sessions and his colleagues will make the most of this teachable moment.
And the New York Times chose this moment to make endorsements.
Especially at this make-or-break moment for the middle class.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Keep our Teachers on the Job | The White House
These initiatives have bipartisan support and at this make-or-break moment for the middle class, we need to create an economy built to last that creates secure American jobs and makes things the rest of the world buys -- not one built on outsourcing, loopholes, or risky financial deals.
President Obama has repeatedly called this a make-or-break moment for the middle class.
This is the moment to make all of our investment dollars count.
FORBES: Making Every Dollar Count: Investing for Impact and Return
While the Hall of Presidents has been around for nearly 40 years, Disney officials said refreshing the attraction during this moment in history will make the exhibit remain relevant for new audiences.
This is a make-or-break moment for our middle class, and folks who are aspiring to get into the middle class.
When you talk to Pepsi loyalists around the world, they overindex on this desire to make the most of every moment.
This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class.
Like any community, it is filled with many levels and tiers of interpersonal relationships that have come together to make you the person you are in this very moment.
FORBES: Make Your Facebook News Feed Stop The Rings And Babies
This is a make-or-break moment for America's middle class.
We don't question or make any specific judgment about his particular status at this moment.
Spain has made it a matter of honor that Germany does make this what Newt Gingrich might call a grab your ankles moment.
But there were just too many of you -- (laughter) -- who helped to make this happen. (Applause.) And you all deserve to be a part of this moment.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization | The White House
To make matters worse, this is not the lone Vatican scandal bubbling at the moment.
It seemed as though Spurs might be reprieved and make Sunderland pay for their profligacy, but the final key moment in this astonishing game came from Zenden, who acrobatically volleyed into the top corner following Henderson's looping cross.
For business students it is imperative that they make the best use of their time at the university, to capitalize on this moment, but not just to stay within the walls of the business school and double major in finance and marketing.
We are going through quite a major program at the moment, saying, how we can adapt this business, make it more agile, make it more able to survive whatever may happen in Europe, whatever may happen with oil prices, whatever we see from our competitors?
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Attacking Gingrich is a standard Democratic ploy, but in the Lewinsky affair it had been hard to do as long as Gingrich stayed behind the curtain, venturing forth only to make high-minded statements about the need for civility at a moment of this historic magnitude.
My mother says she never thought in her life, she'd live to see this moment and there's no way that she will not make history by pulling that lever for progress what the American people have shown, not just black Americans, but this is for all Americans because none of us can do it alone.
"I am yet to receive any official confirmation of this appointment, so I am in no position to make any comments at the moment, " Robson told the BBC Sport website.
This does not assume they will at every moment be behaviorally correct, we all make mistakes and mature and grow from them.
This milestone is a pivotal moment in TV history because Ultra HD 4K technology will make it possible for consumers to purchase huge TVs with crystal clear picture quality.
ENGADGET: LG's 84-inch 4K TV goes on sale in the US for $19,999, home mortgage optional
"At this moment, we have three players who we're not sure are going to make the World Cup or not, " Eriksson admitted.