But stop for the time it takes to make one machine - approximately four seconds - and a few things will become apparent that differ from factories past.
Shortly before takeoff, Mr. Hoy said, the pilot said the jet was going to make an unscheduled fuel stop in Gander due to high winds but would try to get passengers to Dulles in time to make connections.
Coughlin, at the very least, understood that the clock was more important than the scoreboard, and through QB Eli Manning told his running back Ahmad Bradshaw to stop short of the goal line to make the Patriots use their last time out.
As you sit there not moving, watching the traffic lights changing back and forth, this is the perfect time to stop and think - is this a journey you really need to make?
He was willing to answer questions for the first time since hip surgery in January, but was positioned so he could make a quick getaway if he wanted to stop responding.