Strikingly, about 45% of those who get help don't qualify for government assistance because they work and don't meet government income guidelines, but they still don't make enough money to make ends meet.
But family values also are those who had to make nothing stretch into something happening, who had to make ends meet.
Then, to make ends meet, she plans to take bigger investment risks.
While this is all well and good, raising the gas tax would certainly not make life easier for families struggling to make ends meet.
The good news in all of this is for the small, "mom-and-pop" ISPs who have been struggling to make ends meet (click here to read about the mom-and-pop online shops).
And with more than 12 million Americans unemployed, and millions more struggling to make ends meet, it is contrary to our best interests to relentlessly attack one of the few industries that has proven to be a reliable job creator.
FORBES: Regulatory Lessons from Obama EPA Appointee's Resignation
The teacher who works another shift at Dunkin' Donuts after school just to make ends meet, she needs us to reform our education system so that she gets better pay and more support and her students get the resources that they need to achieve their dreams.
That same black woman lived in a two-bedroom home and saw her parents bust their butts to make ends meet, and scrape together every penny to send their children to the nation's finest schools.
"Increasing costs continue to be piled upon health boards, who are already struggling to make ends meet, and I urge the minister to confirm his willingness to underwrite the costs associated with the outbreak as a matter of urgency, " Mr Millar added.
My parents, who were struggling just to make ends meet, didn't pay much attention to my second brother.
To make ends meet Van Nieuwenhuyse, now 50, had to turn NovaGold into a sand-and-gravel producer in western Alaska.
While Americans are struggling to make ends meet during these tough economic times, a return to reasonably priced gasoline would certainly help Americans reduce their monthly expenses without sacrificing valuable goods and services.
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Mr Cameron said he realised families were finding it "difficult to make ends meet" and growth in the economy was much harder to come by than anticipated.
BBC: David Cameron and Nick Clegg: No let-up in tough decisions
Some say that children of poor families have to work in order to make ends meet and that the government should offer them night classes to prepare them for better jobs.
If you are struggling to make ends meet, then the last thing that you're really going to be thinking about is going out for a 30-minute walk.
Some armies do not receive enough from the public purse to make ends meet: Indonesia's, for instance, started running businesses to support itself during the country's independence struggle in the 1940s.
And you know what happens is that women go into this business thinking that they can do this to make ends meet, but the people that they're dealing are in this business to make money.
Pensioners should not have to take on cleaning jobs to make ends meet, mothers with young children - or indeed fathers - should not have to leave them in day-care, people with disabilities may not be able to stay in employment during different phases of a progressive illness.
To make ends meet, Le Monde is selling property and other assets while it contemplates switching publication from afternoon to morning.
Desperate to make ends meet while still maintaining existing levels of services, they did the logical thing: They cried to Washington, D.
Is it because they do not understand what it is to struggle to make ends meet?
This shift puts the pressure squarely on the fulfillment center to make ends meet.
FORBES: Smartphone Shopping And The Retail Fulfillment Blindspot
She says the increase just isn't enough for people trying to make ends meet.
For these men, not a lot of extra dough is required to make ends meet.
The records suggest that Brown was taping into his retirement savings to make ends meet.
The sputtering economy is making it increasingly difficult for Americans to make ends meet.
So they will look elsewhere, perhaps a booster, for ways to make ends meet.
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They understand what it takes to make ends meet without forgoing important investments like education.
Nuraini runs a small shop the family opened to try to make ends meet.
CNN: Hard times force parents to send eldest son to orphanage
They worry that Medicare and Social Security won't be enough to make ends meet.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security