After all, Wal-Mart has allegedly demonstrated its willingness to make such payments to grow rapidly in Mexico.
"We need to get back to a system that allows us to make those investments to grow the game, " he says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Roger Goodell: Will the Lights Go Out in the NFL?
Amgen may need to make an acquisition to grow beyond treating anemia.
Enough money for the company to make enough money to grow on?
FORBES: In Defense Of That No-Good Banker Who Turned Down Your Loan
They care about what are we doing to make the economy grow, to help the private sector hire, and make sure that their kids are getting educated.
Mr. VERRALL: Yeah, that's what I normally do for, like, (unintelligible) and for birds, is like just make sure to grow extra, because you know, it's their place too.
If the government wants British media companies to be in that league, it needs to make room for them to grow.
The key is to make sure a company continues to grow, manages to have its own breakthrough and adapts quickly.
While they did not embrace wholesale legalization for production and sale of any amount of marijuana, voters in these states nonetheless chose to make it legal to possess and grow marijuana.
FORBES: Marijuana Prohibition Going Up in Smoke? High Hopes for a Drug War Peace Dividend
That process is beginning right away and we expect to get some answers back over the next couple of days about how we can accomplish our key goal, which is to make sure the economy continues to grow and we are putting people back to work.
But there are steps we can take as a nation to make it easier for companies to grow and to hire, to create platforms of success for them -- everything from giving more people the chance to get the right training and education to supporting new research projects into science and technology.
Marketing executives like big budgets, as big budgets make it easier to grow the top line.
FORBES: The Dangerous Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula
My budget will make critical investments to grow the economy, create jobs, and strengthen the middle class.
All the while Henry plowed his profits back into the company to make it grow bigger and richer.
It has taken an extraordinary effort by the Fed just to make money grow modestly under the circumstances.
"We couldn't make enough money to grow organically, " despite having one of the BlackBerry's most popular apps, he says.
WSJ: BlackBerry Maker Hopes New Tools Lure Customers From iPhone, Other Rivals
They've spent years genetically tweaking the tropical fungus to make it grow faster, and turn out more and better enzymes.
Caijing is a woodpecker, she says, forever hammering at a tree, trying not to knock it down but to make it grow straighter.
The swimmer came in for heavy criticism when he was a teenager because of his enormous "flipper-like" feet, with some claiming he had taken human growth hormones to make them grow so big.
So not only is it the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do for us to grow, to make sure that middle-class families are strong and people who are poor and willing to work hard to get into the middle class, that they've got a chance. (Applause.) That's our vision.
Prolonged economic growth tends to make people assume that future generations too will grow richer, and hence to make less provision for them.
And we talked about what we can do to make it easier for small businesses to grow.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Urges Support for Small Business
As a wealth manager and financial advisor, I was committed to working on behalf of my clients, the people who entrusted me to make good decisions, to protect and grow their investments, to allow them to realize their goals.
FORBES: Breaking Away From Wall Street: Why I Became An Independent Financial Advisor
"In order to make sure that the economy continues to grow, people have to get around in this country, " said Rep. Dan Maffei, D-New York, who was not in Congress when lawmakers passed the sweeping forced spending cuts that took effect in March, and says they were a bad idea.
Even though many farmers recognized the potential of checkdams, it was not easy to build them because there were no handtools and it took some years before enough land could be created to grow enough cereals to make a substantial contribution to the family diet.
It is a victory for American parents working to make sure their kids grow up healthy, and for schools wanting to provide students with more nutritious meals and a healthier environment.
WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House
Another option is to actually learn how to become a better investor and work hard to make your retirement stash grow at a rate higher than the 7% to 10% annually that you might expect from a index fund or with a financial advisor.
FORBES: Learn To Invest Smarter Or Look Forward To Becoming A Wal-Mart Greeter
Since the external costs likely grow with bank size, it probably would make sense for the fee to grow with liabilities.
FORBES: Huntsman's Good Idea: Tax Giant Financial Institutions
What is your generation going to do to make sure that hip-hop continues to grow and elevate and expand?