The ballots are burned by the scrutineers with the assistance of the secretary of the conclave and the master of ceremonies, who adds special chemicals to make the smoke white or black.
Sometimes seeing the evidence in black and white can make a Mean Girl change her tune.
It's a very simple strip and I decided to make most of the cartoon black and white.
Ms. Goff continues on to make some great points about black versus white representation in entertainment vehicles.
FORBES: Why ABC's 'The Bachelor' Racial Discrimination Suit Is Good For America
State high school associations are going to have to be ready to look at their rule books, and make them less black-and-white when it comes to eligibility.
Even in the early silent days when films were black and white, actors exaggerate moves to make up for the camera limitations.
Barack Obama said Tuesday he is taking the initial step in a presidential bid that could make him the nation's first black to occupy the White House.
The one silver lining is that Kodak will continue producing color and black-and-white film, news that should make traditional photographers happy.
The urgency of the hour demands that we make common cause with all of America's workers -- white, black, brown -- all of whom are being hammered by this recession, all of whom are yearning for that spring to come.
As the first black man to make it to the top of a lily white sport, jumping from a stellar amateur career to early majors victories, he was always going to be a household name, even if he never signed a single endorsement deal.
Because the movie was shot in black and white, Mr. Bridges said he wanted to make sure that the outfits worn by Ms. Bejo had high-contrast designs and light-catching sparkle.
We want to see black, white, good, bad, and we want to make a judgment call because we're smart, intelligent people.
The first skill is the ability to deal with complexity: To not see the world in black and white but to perceive the full palette of colors that make up the current situation.
But the difference here is that Senator McCain wants to make the case that he is not about so much winning black votes but winning white moderate votes, the swing votes that are going to be key to determining the outcome of the fall election.
Perhaps even more so because I have been listening to the dialogue about how to make America more post-racial -- mostly as it pertains to black and white culture -- for so long that it never occurred to me that an Asian immigrant family might cry foul when their son fell in love with an all-American girl like me.
The white color goes well with the black and silver rims, and together they make the car look high-end, but still edgy.
Life rarely serves up black-and-white choices and when it does those are pretty easy to make.
Interestingly, Knox's rags-to-riches story has helped him make inroads in the black community, while Nutter's longstanding criticism of Street has resulted in good numbers among white voters.