Theres a deal you make when you want to get rid of a wife, and theres a deal you make when you want to keep a wife, explains New York celebrity divorce lawyer Raoul Felder.
Nonetheless, finding out about health risks hidden in your genes still seems to me the kind of news that at least requires you make available a trained genetic counselor to help you deal with it.
He just has this view that, you know, you do a little transaction here, a deal there, you make your earnings what they want to be and everything's hunky dory.
Landing on these squares can pitch you into a press conference, make you answer manifesto questions, deal with leaks of information or set up telephone canvassing campaigns and challenge opponents to head-to-head debates.
Even with a gold medal you might not receive a single endorsement deal and you might have to do normal office work to make a living.
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You need to make a conscious choice: do you need to learn how to deal with that person in order to be successful?
"You should say, 'Listen, I don't want to make a big deal of this, but I want you to know I embarrassed myself and this isn't like me, ' " Ms. O'Neill says.
Those are two things that you have in your favor that we do not that make the trade-off of single-payer a better deal for you but not necessarily the rest of us.
If points were the only type of credit card reward available, they might make for a more attractive deal: all you have to do to earn them is use your credit card.
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You place in front of them a billion pound carrot of borrowing powers - a golden carrot, if you like, but on condition that Silk or a broad swathe of it is implemented - and you make that explicit deal very public in advance.
Nothing can make you appreciate a good co-worker more than having to deal with a bad one.
Do you really think that this would make that big of a deal?
Plus Kodak sealed a deal with T-Mobile to make sure you can upload your pix from any T-Mobile Hotspot (aka Starbucks).
If so you should be on the lookout for changes that could make it a better deal as a place to stash savings.
If you think a generic drugmaker supplying the government with more than a billion antibiotic pills to safeguard against anthrax outbreaks would be a sure way to make big money on the deal, you're probably wrong.
It means a great deal when you're visiting and your hosts make you feel like you're at home, like they're excited to see you.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
Make a deal with a weak player and it can come back to haunt you.
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Didn't make a big deal out of it, but just sort of said, listen to when you're hungry, and when you're full, stop.
Make sure the shafts are straight and the hosel secure on the shaft and you can come away with a deal on some swell sticks.
With a diversified collection of bets on announced deals, you can make a steady but unspectacular return, peppered by the occasional big loss when a seemingly surefire deal falls apart.
One of his earliest challenges at Trikona, he says, was to educate the market on how a deal is done when shareholders are peering over your shoulders, forcing you to make sure everything is done aboveboard and no palms are greased.
They write you emails asking for advice on an upcoming, really important meeting, or a make-or-break deal, or even advice on an upcoming date.