Not only is Hollings angry that his candidate didn't get the nod, but sources say he is also miffed about how the White House handled the process of making the final decision.
CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton Settles On New FCC Chairman Nominee
Neymar, 21 years old, will consider the competing offers before making a final decision in the coming days, Santos FC said.
Although FDA highly values the opinions of the independent experts on the committee and often incorporates those opinions into its decision-making process, FDA makes the final decision about whether a drug should be approved.
Boccieri had said he wanted to see the impact on the deficit before making a final decision.
Baroness Ford wants to avoid leaving a costly legacy to the public purse and, with other venues such as the aquatics centre, velodrome and media centre also requiring legacy tenants, will choose one or two preferred bidders for the stadium in the autumn before making a final decision before Christmas.
The ICC is awaiting final security reports before making a decision on whether the tournament should proceed as planned or be switched to an alternative venue.
So I just want to clarify where is the final decision-making on this?
He has now said he will have to consult business groups and the voluntary sector before making a final decision.
The Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has said he will consult the business community before making a final decision on cutting any oil imports from Iran.
BBC: Iran oil sanctions divide Asia's four largest economies
Proving my prediction right, Steve admitted on Wednesday that the final straw in making his decision was when his eldest daughter Rosie told him that she didn't want him to go away any more.
Councillors will visit the site on Thursday before making a final decision.
It stated the recommendation for the future structure of the forensic service had not yet been made by the SPSA Board to Mr MacAskill and that he would listen to the views of parliament before making a final decision.
Several council members indicated they wanted to let a Department of Justice review of the police investigation play out before making a final decision.
WSJ: Florida Police Chief at Center of Trayvon Martin Probe Fired
Captain Nasser Hussain is reportedly willing to gauge feeling among the cricket-viewing public back in England before making a final decision.
The agency basically argues that in cases where there was some bias in the vote, it takes that into account in making its final decision.
Warwickshire County Council said it had noted the recommendation of the inspector and it was looking at her report before making a final decision.
If they recommend the proposal it will go before football's rule-making international board in Zurich in March for a final decision.