When you encounter a problem due to management malfeasance, expect many more to follow.
To many plaintiff firms, only sure-fire cases involving well-publicized malfeasance are worth a gamble.
FORBES: Are Class Action Law Firms Too Corrupt to Go Global?
There is no more cost effective means for deterring corporate malfeasance than embracing whistleblowers.
The Commission cannot feign ignorance when inundated with information of malfeasance from industry insiders.
Yet the decision to tread lightly on financial malfeasance might cost Romney the election.
Biometric voter registration is not a "silver bullet" for eliminating fraud and electoral malfeasance.
In the corporate world, those who witnessed such malfeasance might alert a higher authority.
There would have been calls for special prosecutors to look into criminal malfeasance and negligence.
Most opposition parties say they will vote against the bill unless it contains safeguards against malfeasance.
For a variety of reasons, true investigations of investment malfeasance related to charities are extremely rare.
Moreover, no record exists of anyone being reprimanded for malfeasance which will now cost taxpayers billions.
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The public has gained familiarity with theories of mutual fund malfeasance that previously had not been discussed.
FORBES: The Great Mutual Fund Clean Up That Almost Happened (April 4, 2004 )
Spitzer was able to uncover so much malfeasance so quickly because it is rampant throughout the industry.
FORBES: The Great Mutual Fund Clean Up That Almost Happened (April 4, 2004 )
The CFO at the time of the billion-dollar plus malfeasance and bankruptcy was PwC alumni Henri Steenkamp.
Traitors pop up in the CIA. Who hasn't expected that malfeasance might emerge in the officiating corps?
They are more likely to be in existence and able to pay a claim caused by their malfeasance.
These ratings or rankings have proven to be of little value in predicting future underperformance or identifying malfeasance.
FORBES: Develop a "Fiduciary Response" or You Will Get Scammed
His Christianity is less political than personal and theological, though he is not afraid to confront political malfeasance.
Another serious question to ask is whether the charity has any history of investment malfeasance, or substantial losses?
Last month, a three-year federal probe into Wall Street malfeasance reached fever pitch.
More broadly, the Andersen ruling is a blow for a government pledged to rid the country of corporate malfeasance.
Dankner damningly speculates that this behavior was either due to incompetence or malfeasance.
"Malfeasance" suggests wrongful doing, as in an individual intentionally performing an illegal act.
Her message was simple: when malfeasance surfaces, regulators reflexively rush to settle with banks instead of forcing them to trial.
Democrats proclaimed that federal regulators finally would be able to protect Americans from misfeasance and malfeasance on Wall Street.
Andersen, it seems, has been unusually lax in its auditing and astonishingly complaisant in the face of gross corporate malfeasance.
Industry malfeasance is not the sole reason pensions fail but it is a significant factor contributing to the demise of pensions.
From Enron to WorldCom to the credit crisis, the agency has consistently missed the biggest financial malfeasance of the past decade.
This act of arrogance, if not malfeasance, will almost certainly prove to be the proverbial straw on an overloaded camel's back.
As continuing tales of private-sector malfeasance inspire new proposals for regulation and federal programmes, the centre is a reminder of government's limitations.
ECONOMIST: When it comes to mismanagement, Congress is hard to beat