Indeed, now I could see why wombats are often referred to as the engineers of the mammal world.
BBC: Protecting a wombat species that is as fast as Usain Bolt
The team came to this conclusion by looking at 66 genes in 4, 510 living mammal species.
The world's biggest mammal can breathe easily, at least where this diner is concerned.
Some data, such as huge sound files of marine mammal vocalizations, remain onboard for future retrieval.
FORBES: Why Climate Scientists, Oil Drillers And The Military Are Clamoring For Green Ocean Robots
During one stay, a Brazilian tapir, a large, water-loving mammal of the horse family, was born.
David Archibald, professor of biology and curator of mammal collections at San Diego State University.
Richard O' Barry is the World Society for the Protection of Animals' marine mammal specialist.
Such nuclear transfer produced Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal, four years ago.
It is now found in that mammal's descendants, including humans, sheep, rats and mice.
Although yeast is a simple organism, its molecular biology is a lot more mammal-like than a bacterium's.
Electroreception is well known in fish and amphibians, but until now the only mammal example was the platypus.
He conceded that coaxing the mammal downstream may require the help of a sonic device called a scrammer.
They are only a way to model what might happen in a mammal sorta kinda related to us.
First imported as pets, the feral snakes vie with native animals for food and have devastated mammal populations.
They have been studying a retrotransposon that lost its independence to an early mammal some 70m years ago.
Etosha is home to 114 mammal species -- several of which are rare and endangered -- and 380 species of birds.
Gender task specialization in mammal packs over millions of years was the best way to guarantee survival and evolution.
She said the animal science building would include aquatic, reptile and mammal rooms, a laboratory and six teaching classrooms.
That according to marine mammal special Brent Norberg, of the Federal Fishery Service.
I'm not a water dwelling mammal from Africa that's moved to the metropolis to be taught how to breakdance.
Dr Shannon Fowler, 32, from California, is a marine mammal biologist and lectures to the passengers on board Explorer.
The mammal was being held in quarantine after just arriving at the zoo.
Other species of mammal prune plants too albeit as a side-effect of eating them.
They began by finding a molecule that would carry a novel amino acid to a mammal cell's protein factories.
To produce Dolly, the first mammal cloned from an adult, involved over 250 failures many of which involved severe abnormalities.
Enclosed by a 95-mile fence, it is home to 66 mammal species, including lion, leopard, cheetah, elephant and wild dog.
There are no exemptions in the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and those in other statutes are cumbersome, time-consuming and impractical.
The researchers described the Serengeti as "a rare and iconic example of an ecosystem driven by a large mammal migration".
Joining us to talk about this is Vincent Janik of the Sea Mammal Research Unit at the University of St.
He also uncovered a skull of the world's largest land mammal, a kind of giant hornless rhinoceros now known as Indricotherium.